(vest that I’m in love with, shorts, shoes)
My Monday morning started with a run free of gloves, beanies, sleeves, layers, and leg cages (my friend Victoria calls leggings/pants leg cages;)… My birthday month could not be off to a better start.
We were out of Core Power and so I went to the store after my run to grab one… We somehow left with donuts, too. It’s pretty impossible to say no to him. PS I miss my Core Power sponsorship so much, I was drinking like $15 a day of this stuff since it was free. Now, I have to limit myself to this dreaminess to only a few a week;)


It was time for our weekly Ang’s Creamy Tortellini Soup. I have this recipe memorized at this point.

The powder room bathroom is complete. Here is the before:

And here is the after! It looks better in person because it’s hard to photograph such a dark room, but I absolutely love it. Andrew is amazing.

Now for the tangents of the day:
*Everyone needs a Curly (my niece) in their life. She came over and gave the girls the best haircuts the other day. She can do it all.

*Beck bought his Valentine (a girl in his preschool class) a gift at Target. He was so excited about it.

*I wish that every gym was connected to an ice rink. Once you get moving, the temps at this gym are actual perfection. Feeling stuffy in here is not a possibility.

*Story time. I’ve been researching leather coats for quite some time. I really wanted one for when we are in Paris and was going to hit purchase on a fake one that kind of looked real for my birthday before sending a pic of it to my mom for her thoughts. She then replied she had one that she bought in Hong Kong 25 years ago that I could borrow for our trip. Ummmm I was at their house minutes later. I’m loving this month so far.

*Tis the season.

*Would you try this?

*Brooke and I have made a goal to wear something that includes pink, red, or purple every day leading up to Valentine’s Day. Feel free to join us in this goal.

*I started another one from Freida…

Have any tangents today?
Anything of your moms that you borrow/use/wear/love?
Feelings about mini eggs?
-I used to not understand their popularity but age has provided wisdom on topics like this.
Tell me what your workout is today?!