Thursday, February 6, 2025
HomeRunningTop 10 things I miss… AND FOUR!!!

Top 10 things I miss… AND FOUR!!!


These are not my normal Saturday morning events, but some strength/walking/elliptical at the gym were an okay substitution.

We then all went to the indoor swimming pool. Skye. Is. Brave.

Beck’s pool pose.

We went to the BYU Volleyball game, where they won in a 3 set sweep!

This was the highlight of the volleyball game for Beck.

I finished off Saturday with a girls night at Pizzeria 712. I can now start borrowing some of Brooke’s clothing… like her coat:)

My pasta was perfection.

Somehow, Beck is FOUR today. These four years went by too fast.

Beck is so incredibly loved. He is obsessed with his siblings, police, firefighters, and ambulances. He could live off of Pirates Booty, kinder eggs, and fruit snacks and is an early-to-bed, early-to-rise kind of a guy. He wants to be wherever the people are and loves being outside the most. He loves Cyber Trucks with all of his heart and asks me daily to sell my car and buy one of those instead. I love my little sidekick and feel so lucky to be his mom.

I’ll never forget finding out he was a boy when he was born. It was one of the coolest life experiences I’ve ever had; I highly recommend being surprised if you’ve ever thought about it!

I’ll never get over Skye’s face the first time she heard Beck cry haha. Being a big sister was quite an adjustment for her.


And now for a completely different topic:

I’m fine. I really am with this whole month+ running break thus far, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some things I miss about this daily event I’ve done for decades! Besides the 6-week break after having Beck and Skye, this is the longest I’ve taken off from running since my stress fracture days in 2011! While getting back to running is important to me, the #1 thing in my brain is to get back to daily life completely pain-free, which is helping me refrain from lacing up my shoes and getting out on the roads again. So, here are the top 10 things I miss, but because running is always there for us when we are ready, I’ll be back enjoying these things before I know it:

*Getting to experience an adventure before the world is awake. There is something about that quiet time in the morning when I get to see the sunrise, experience the world a bit, and walk in the front door to littles waking up and needing some snuggles. They always ask me who I ran with and where and I miss telling them all about it.

*The deep talks, hilarious conversations, therapy sessions, and every now and then… some information shared (it’s not gossip if you call it information instead;).. I kid) with friends who are equally in love with running. My smile lines are already one inch deep by 7 am daily when I’m running.

*THE STRESS RELIEF! Each mile does something to me.

*Falling asleep the second I lay down at night. That is quite a luxury that training blesses me with.

*Having a race to look forward to!

*I miss how easy it is to go for a run (running isn’t easy, I miss how easy the logistics of running are). You can just leave your front door. You don’t have to drive anywhere to get a sweat and you don’t have to wash your hair afterward (well, most people probably do but swimming forces me to have to).

*I miss feeling in shape because every new exercise I try makes me feel like a fish out of water and like it’s the first time I’ve ever exercised in my life.

*I miss my social life, oh wait I already said that but I think it should count as two bullet points.

*THE burn in my muscles, the challenge for my heart and lungs, and proving myself wrong about different distances/speeds.

*The rest of the day where you feel so amazing for getting out there and running!


I would love it if you wished Beck a happy birthday! I’ll read them to him!

Did anyone wait to find out if their baby was a boy or a girl until they were born?

If you are taking a running break or have had one in the past, what are some things you have missed about it?

Any highlights from your weekend?




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