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HomeWeight LossThe challenges of male fertility

The challenges of male fertility

Those celebrations have included a powerful video series, speaking to members of our community whose reasons for losing weight have gone far beyond just shifting those additional pounds. Dan Stark, from our MAN v FAT Lincoln club, spoke about his battles to conceive with his partner and, thanks to the weight he lost on the programme and other efforts to improve his wellbeing, he and his partner were able to have a baby in 2023.

Dan’s efforts to start a family have resonated with many of our community, with several others up and down the UK deciding to join MAN v FAT to support their efforts to have their first child.

But how can losing weight help your chances?

Obese men are more likely to have low sperm counts and it can also cause hormonal changes that lead to increased oxidative stress, which can damage sperm DNA and can result in decreased sperm quality and movement. For fertility purposes, the NHS recommends a BMI between 20 and 25.

We spoke to Matthew, Dean and Adam from our MAN v FAT community to find out how the programme has supported them and their partner in recent months.

Ahead of reading what they had to say, we’ve got some great content to support you from our friends at ExSeed, which will hopefully help you to work out your own first steps towards having a baby with your partner.

•              Why you should take a fertility test
•              What the tests measure
•              10 tips to improve male fertility
•              Where’s my fertility at? Test it today! (10% discount for MAN v FAT members, using the code MANVFAT)

Over to the lads to tell us more about their stories so far…

1) Did you decide to lose weight on your own, or were you steered this way by medical professionals? And was this based on improving your chances of conceiving or for other health reasons?

ADAM: “Deep down I knew something needed to change but I felt helpless. Even though I knew what I needed to do I couldn’t see a way out of my bad habits. When we saw the GP about our fertility issues, the doctor suggested to refer me to a social prescriber.

“Having had a fertility test and being told it’s low and that likely due to my weight, really made me want to start doing something to change about my size. I also have a skin condition called Psoriasis and the consultant I saw mentioned my blood pressure and cholesterol was high and I needed to do something about this. This was the final push I needed to do something about my weight.”

MATTHEW: “It has been my own choice. 8 years ago I lost 52kg in 6 months, I then moved to Spain and alcohol is too cheap and accessible, now I’m back in the U.K. I want to take hold of my health again. Conceiving is a part of it but not the whole reason, I do just want to be healthier. I would really like a child though and if we do conceive I couldn’t think of anything worse than being a fat dad. Especially with there being a 30% higher chance of your child being overweight if you are.”

PETER: “I decided to lose weight largely on my own. I did ask a pharmacist for medical advice fully expecting them to just say what I suspected which was that the better your health and wellbeing, the better your fertility will be.

“This was my main focus for signing up to MAN v FAT as having children is very much a priority now that my wife and I are now married and have a home together. I did also miss playing football as it had been a good 3 or 4 years since I had kicked a ball, but everyone at MAN v FAT Colchester really helped me settle in despite the hiatus from the sport.”

2) You mention you joined MAN v FAT to support your fertility and ability to conceive – what has been the back story so far to trying for a baby? i.e. are you preparing to start? Or what have the challenges been?

ADAM: “I have now been married to my wife for 4 years and in that time we’ve never stopped anything from happening in terms of conceiving. Unfortunately in that time we’ve not had the joy of having children as yet. We’ve tried various supplements to put our bodies in the best position for the chances to conceive.

“We have done a number of other things as well without success so far. It’s well documented that weight can be a barrier to having children so when joining MAN v FAT this is a big influencer for me to change my lifestyle and lose weight, amongst the other health condition I have and trying to reduce blood
pressure and cholesterol as well as preventing the need of medication for them as well.

“In terms of the challenges, one thing I would say is not losing hope. It’s hard seeing your friends around you becoming dads and you’re not one yet. That said I’ve learnt to enjoy the now and enjoying my new lease of life with my wife, friends and family.”

MATTHEW: “We have sort of started, to be honest our biggest contraceptive is our dog, he hates me touching his mum! But we are ready and if I found out tomorrow my partner was pregnant I’d be over the moon.”

PETER: “My wife and I have actually been trying to have a baby since I first started MAN v FAT back in February. Our challenges so far have been trying to stick to a healthy diet and get a steady supply of the appropriate vitamins which can be a challenge as we are both partial to a cheeky takeaway on a busier or stressful working day.

“Our main challenge so far however though has just been dealing with the disappointment and mental side of things as another month goes by without a positive test. It can get very difficult to deal with but we find ways to help this, for example for half an hour a week at MAN v FAT I can focus on the football and bring a positive mood back home with me.”

3) How have you found your weight loss efforts so far have helped your general wellbeing?

ADAM: “Well… So far the benefits have been many. I have more energy, I’m not as tired, and I’ve seen my fitness improve each week when playing the match at MAN v FAT. I can cover ground quicker and it’s great to notice my game improve and when others comment on that too. My blood pressure has reduced, as well as soon finding out if my cholesterol is going down.

“I’ve had another fertility test to find out if there’s been a positive effect from losing 5 stone so far. It’s also have a positive effect on my mental health and gives me hope this will help us to conceive over the next year.”

MATTHEW: “I am right at the beginning so no changes yet but, from experience, it massively helps your confidence, it also improves your ability to do just about anything, life is just easier the healthier you are.”

PETER: “My weight loss has certainly had a positive effect on both my physical and mental wellbeing as I have been able to get out for longer walks than I would have done before. In July my wife was away for a weekend so I took myself to the Peak District for some scenic walks, something I’m not sure I could have handled a year ago.

“My mental wellbeing has also improved, proved by a glowing report in my recent end of year review at work. It was noted that in 2024 I had improved my quality of work and was noticeably happier in my demeanour which has led to more senior opportunities within my team.”

A huge thanks to Adam, Matthew and Peter for sharing their stories – we wish them all well with their plans for the future.


If you’re on a similar journey with your fertility and aiming to conceive, our friends at ExSeed are able to help get you started. They’re offering a 10% discount on their Sperm Health Test Kits and Supplement Packs by using the code MANVFAT.

Take a look:-

Sperm Health Test Kit | Combi Supplement | Sperm Health Test Kit & Supplement Pack



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