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The 3 Most Common Conflicts that Arise Between Mom Friends and How to Solve Them with Danielle Bayard Jackson

Do you find it harder to create friendships as an adult?  Today we talk about friendships and how they can be difficult to navigate, especially during parenthood.  Our guest discusses common conflicts that arise between parents as well as ways to better maintain these connections.  If you are a parent or an expectant parent, this conversation will shed light on why friendships are more complex during this phase.  Our guest Danielle, is easy to talk to and gives great advice for parents navigating these new waters.  

To dive deeper into this topic, on Yoga| Birth| Babies, we have Danielle Bayard Jackson.  Danielle is a female friendship coach and educator who speaks nationally about the science of women’s platonic connections.  She is also the author of Fighting for Our Friendships (May 2024).  Danielle’s coaching business, Friend Forward, is dedicated to teaching women how to create and maintain better female friendships.

Danielle recommends that parents should be intentional with their time.  She says it’s challenging to be available to everyone when focusing on raising children.  She advises parents to choose a few close friends to spend time with to avoid becoming overwhelmed by too many obligations.  She also encourages parents to reframe what spending time with friends looks like.  Perhaps running errands with a friend is more feasible than planning a four-hour brunch on a Saturday.  She highlights that friends don’t need to be entertained, they just want to spend time together.  Danielle gives down to earth advice that is very helpful for parents.  

In this episode you will learn:

  • About Danielle and how she became a friendship expert.
  • Why female friendship may be tricky.
  • How “mom friends” can be challenging relationships to navigate.
  • The 3 most common conflicts that arise between mom friends.
  • How to solve these issues.
  • Ways women can create and maintain better female friendships.
  • Why making friends as an adult may be more difficult.
  • A piece of advice Danielle would like to offer new and expectant parents.
  • How to connect with Danielle.

About Danielle:

Danielle Bayard Jackson is a female friendship coach and educator who speaks nationally about the science of women’s platonic connections. She is also the author of Fighting for Our Friendships (May 2024).Danielle’s coaching business, Friend Forward, is dedicated to teaching women how to create and maintain better female friendships, and her expertise
has been featured in The New York Times, NBC News, Psychology Today, Wall Street Journal, Oprah Magazine, Good Morning America, and a host of other media outlets.

A former high school teacher, Danielle now uses her teaching skills as an educator to coach women through common friendship conflicts. As a member of the American Sociological Association, she uses the latest research to create practical, tangible strategies to help women create more depth in their platonic relationships. Companies like TikTok, the NBA, NFL, and Etsy have all booked Danielle as a speaker to address the topic of connection psychology. As the resident friendship expert for the global app Bumble For Friends, Danielle shares her insight weekly on The Friend Forward Podcast, has several viral videos on TikTok, and has written for Insider and Harvard Business Review.

Connect with Danielle:

Website: www.betterfemalefriendships.com

Book: Fighting For Our Friendships

IG: @friendforward

Podcast: Friendship Forward

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Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center



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