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HomeRunningRunners: jump more, run faster

Runners: jump more, run faster

Despite what some might think, running isn’t the only thing that will make you faster. Incorporating plyometrics–essentially just jumping–to your weekly training can help you build speed, power and agility. These fast, bodyweight exercises require little to no equipment–just a box or step, if available, and a yoga mat (if desired). The best part? Plyo sessions are quick, and make the perfect finish to a strength workout.

Benefits of jumping

Along with increasing speed, power and agility, plyometrics also enhance balance and stability. This improvement translates to greater ease in functional movements such as standing on one foot to put on a shoe, reaching for something on a high shelf and walking on uneven surfaces. More importantly, it helps reduce injury risk–a crucial factor in sports that place repetitive impact on the joints.

Plyometric exercises

During each exercise, keep your knees slightly bent at all times and land softly on your feet. The movement should be quick, with minimal ground-contact time, but maintaining proper technique should always be the top priority.

Two-footed hops

We’re starting with the basics–your basic two-footed bunny hop. If you did these as a kid on the playground, you might even be an expert already. Hop in place for 30 seconds, keeping your feet flexed and your core tight. Bend your knees slightly upon landing, and quickly pop off the ground again.

One-footed lateral hops

These single-leg hops use the same cues–flexed feet, tight core and quick rebound off the floor. Instead of jumping straight up and down, find a point on the floor and jump side-to-side over it. Complete the lateral jump 10 times on each leg.


For this movement, you’ll need a low box or step. Stand on the edge and step off the box with one foot, land lightly on two feet and drive explosively off the ground into a two-footed straight-legged jump. Land with your knees slightly bent and repeat the movement 10 times (five times on each side).

High-knee skips

This is a modified version of the skipping you might’ve also done as a kid–just with added explosiveness. With each bound, push off the ground forcefully and drive your opposite knee as high as possible, making sure you swing your arms with each leap. Complete 10 bounds per leg.

Box jump

Grab a knee-high box and begin with your feet shoulder-width apart. Jump explosively off the ground, landing lightly with both feet on the box, in a squat position. Step down carefully and repeat 10 times.

Quick switches

This exercise is all about speed and agility. Put one foot on a low box or step, and the other on the ground. Staying light on your toes, rapidly switch the positions of your feet, pumping your arms as you go. Complete 10 reps per leg.

Jumping lunges

Begin in a lunge position, and use your front leg to push forcefully off the floor, jumping as high as possible. Switch the position of your legs in the air, and land lightly in a lunge. Repeat 10 times–five times on each side. (You can reduce the intensity of the exercise by holding onto a cable machine or resistance band positioned above you.)

Add these exercises to your training regime to take the next step toward a race day personal best–and a body that says “thank you.”




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