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HomeFitnessQuentin Lake’s Upper-Body Push-Pull Workout Routine

Quentin Lake’s Upper-Body Push-Pull Workout Routine

Quentin Lake recently explained to M&F that focusing on his lower body allowed him to come back from injury in order to become an LA Rams Captain. But in his quest to become the total package of speed and strength, this player puts just as much effort into his upper body workouts too. Here’s an example of Quentin Lake’s upper body push pull workout routine under the guidance of the Rams strength and conditioning coaches.

Quinten Lake’s Warmup

Lake explains that he likes to warm up before his workouts by utilizing some stretching, foam rolling, and the massage roller ball to hit any specifically tight areas. “Just get those shoulders ready, get everything primed,” explains the iron defender.

Quinten Lake’s Upper-Body Push-Pull Workout


Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 Sets of 6 Reps

Cable Triceps Pushdown: 3 Sets of 15 Reps


Seated Cable Row: 3 Sets of 12 Reps

Pallof Press: 3 Sets of 12 Reps (per side)

Eccentric Neutral Grip Pull-ups: Slowly descend for 4 seconds

TRX Rope Face Pulls to Y position: 3 Sets of 12 Reps ( )

Band Pull Aparts: 3 Sets of 20 Reps

Push & Pull

Bicep Curl to Overhead Press: 3 Sets of 8 Reps

The Finisher

Farmers Walk with a Kettlebell in one hand: 25 yards per side

Quinten Lake’s Workout Breakdown

The toll that being an NFL player takes on a body cannot be underestimated. And for those wondering which body hurts the most after a game, Lake shares that it is usually his neck that pays the heaviest price.

“We just take so many hits to the head,” he tells M&F. “Especially on defense. You have to use all these neck muscles. So, I would say, the neck is probably the most sore and then, after that it would probably be knees. A lot of cutting, a lot of change of direction. And then sometimes you’ll be falling on your knees. Then, third most for me would have to be shoulders, similar with the neck. Obviously, you’re tackling with your shoulders, you’re taking on blocks, you’re hitting people. So, I would say those three are probably the most sore after every game.”

Lake increases the strength in his lower body through eccentric exercises that are designed to replicate movements on the field, such as holding a squat position to build power by tightening the muscles. And, when it comes to his upper body, the above workout illustrates that he adopts similar principles here too, executing further eccentric exercises such as TRX rope pulls under tension, and holding the descent on his neutral grip pullups.

He also pushes and pulls his way through exercises like seated rows and the incline bench press to add mass to his torso. Everything that Lake does in the gym is about improving his function on the field so that he can command the ball and his opponents with authority.

Additionally, by switching between pushes, pulls, and eccentric exercises, Lake is also keeping his body guessing just like in gameplay. He works his core with every exercise too and adds stamina and shoulder strength with those weighted farmers walks. “So, you get a good bit of variety,” he says with his typical relaxed charm of the completed workout. Why not give it a try it for yourself.

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