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HomeDietPlant Chat: The Nutrition Twins

Plant Chat: The Nutrition Twins

Tammy Lakatos Shames and Elysse (“Lyssie”) Lakatos, The Nutrition Twins®, are twin sisters, nationally recognized registered dietitians and personal trainers with 15 years of experience helping thousands of clients boost their energy naturally and get healthier, happier, and into tip-top shape. Through their books, media appearances, nutrition counseling, lectures and blogs, they’ve built a brand that empowers people to take charge of their health and make changes that last a lifetime. Their new book   The Nutrition Twins’ Veggie Cure   was released January  2014.

What inspired you to write your new book The Nutrition Twins’ Veggie Cure?

When it comes to most foods, the nutrition research is always changing.  One day a food is shown to benefit your body, the next day it’s proven to be harmful.  Vegetables are the exception, for nearly two decades we’ve been bombarded with research consistently showing that no matter what vegetable you eat, it can improve your health, your well-being and the way you look.  After witnessing thousands of our clients, as well as ourselves, personally reap the “fruits” of vegetable consumption, we feel it’s our mission to help everyone to feel and look as good as they deserve. Everyone admits they need to eat more veggies, yet no one seems to do it.  We’ve got the recipes that will get you hooked on veggies so that you can change your life for the better—and for good.

Can you briefly explain what the “veggie cure” is? What health benefits does it provide?

We’d love for you to think of The Veggie Cure as your go-to bible to help you get what you want in life when it comes to health, energy, or beauty! We’ve done all the research for you and we’ve purposefully laid out the book so you can easily zip on over to the chapter which addresses your specific goal. In each chapter you’ll find our recommended veggie prescription— a discerning list of the most potent vegetables to give you what you want—whether it be to fight diseases like cancer, heart disease or osteoporosis, to beautify your skin or fight stress! Plus we clearly explain why those vegetables work their magic (the cure) and we give you more than 100 delicious recipes so veggies can get to work helping you to reach your goal! Each chapter also highlights several vegetable superstars (some of the most potent veggies for your particular goal)– alongside delicious recipes which correspond to your veggie prescription.

What types of recipes can we find in the book?

With over 100 mouth-watering recipes to make with vegetables, you’ll find recipes across the board! Whether included in breakfasts, appetizers, snacks, smoothies, desserts or side dishes, if you are time crunched, super-picky—and even if you don’t cook there are vegetable recipes to fit every whim.  You’ll see options like Veggie Frittata Bites, Coco Sweet Potatoes with Mango Salsa, Tomato and Basil Bruschetta, Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins, Fennel Stuffed Potatoes, Zucchinilicious Lasagna and Holy Fruity Guacamole.


Does your health advice cater to people of all ages and lifestyles?

Absolutely!  We all need more vegetables, no matter who we are.  So our tips and recipes are designed for kids and adults alike, no matter where they live or what their lifestyle, they will find veggie recipes that work for them.  In fact, we took special care to ensure that our book would cater to anyone, no matter what their reasons for not getting their share of veggies—we wanted to make sure they were covered.

Can you share one of your favorite tips?

One thing that is particularly interesting that many people are surprised to learn is that in order to enhance the health promoting properties (i.e. cancer and heart disease fighting benefits, etc.) it’s best to allow both garlic and onions to sit for about 5-10 minutes after cutting them before they are cooked.  In case you want more detail: Vegetables in the allium family like onions, garlics, shallots, and leeks are the veggies that should sit for at least five minutes before cooking them or eating them. Here’s why: The chopping or dicing ruptures the cells of the onions or other allium veggies and releases an enzyme, alliinase, that causes the formation of the cancer-fighting phytonutrient allicin. Since cooking can inactivate alliinase, the enzyme that starts it all, letting allium veggies stand for five to ten minutes after chopping or crushing will give you the health promoting, cancer-fighting benefits you want.

How does it feel to share the accomplishment of publishing a book with your twin sister?

It feels wonderful!  We feel really fortunate to have someone to share in this entire experience and someone who is equally passionate as we each are about getting a message out and helping others. 

Can you share one of your favorite recipes?

We couldn’t choose a favorite, but a great appetizer or party pleaser is our Tomato and Basil Bruschetta



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  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 pints grape tomatoes
  • Sprinkle black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic (approximately 4 cloves garlic)
  • 3 sprays olive oil from spray bottle
  • 1 long French baguette
  • 4 finely chopped scallions
  • 1/2 cup finely sliced basil
  • Salt to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon olive oil into a baking pan and tilt pan until oil covers bottom of pan.  Pour in tomatoes and mix so oil covers tomatoes.  Lightly sprinkle black pepper over tomatoes and add garlic.  Spray olive oil on top and mix until garlic, pepper and oil is evenly spread throughout.
  3. Place in the oven and roast for 20 minutes to allow flavors to mingle as some tomatoes burst.
  4. Slice bread into approximately 24, 1/4- 1/3-inch slices.  Toast lightly.
  5. Remove tomato mixture and put in a large bowl and add scallions, basil and salt.  Mash tomatoes well, being careful not to get burnt by the hot “insides” of the tomatoes. Mix well and spread on top of bread.


*Nutrition Facts Per Serving (analyzed without salt to taste)

**tomato and basil topping: 47 calories, 3g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 7mg sodium, 5g carbohydrates, 2g fiber, 3g sugars, 1g protein

**with 4 pieces of baguette: 139 calories, 3g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 215mg sodium, 23g carbohydrates, 2g fiber, 4g sugars, 5g protein

*Percent Daily Value: Vitamin A 22%, Vitamin C 26%, Calcium 4%, Iron 10%


  • Serving Size: 4 bruchetta


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