Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeWeight LossMAN v FAT to expand rugby provision in 2025

MAN v FAT to expand rugby provision in 2025

MAN v FAT is set to launch a host of new rugby clubs across the country after some superb successes in 2024.

Following on from its successes with MAN v FAT Football since 2016, the first rugby clubs were launched in the Autumn of 2024, with Birmingham, Cheltenham and Leicester the first to get started.

So far, men in those three clubs have lost an astonishing 316kgs of weight so far, including several members who have hit 5% and 10% weight loss landmarks.

Inspired by that early performance on the scales, MAN v FAT will be launching multiple new rugby clubs in early 2025. Bradford, Bristol, Castleford, Chiswick, Edinburgh and Wigan have all been confirmed, with further locations already on the horizon.

MAN v FAT Rugby Lead Karl White said: We have been really encouraged by not only the interest in MAN v FAT Rugby from players and potential partners, but the overall success of the pilot locations.

“It’s been a joy to see that no matter the shape of the ball, the weekly weigh-in and game is somewhere that our players build confidence, make new friends and improve their mental health, while losing weight. In many cases, we’re providing men who haven’t picked up an oval ball in years the chance to get back into playing a sport that they love, without the fuss of having to get a group together or book facilities.”

MAN v FAT has now supported over 35,000 men on their health and wellbeing efforts so far and cumulative weight loss across Football, Rugby and Soccer is now approaching 750,000lbs lost.

The successes are so much more than just the weight loss, of course, with significant improvements to mental health being reported by the men who’ve participated in one of the three programmes run by MAN v FAT.

That includes Gareth Robinson, who joined MAN v FAT Rugby in Leicester to reduce his risks of cardiovascular disease and to be able to do more with his children. Gareth was one of the first to hit 10% weight loss in MAN v FAT Rugby and has relished his time in the community so far.



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