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Making a Fresh Start with Your Hearing Loss — Blog

Sometimes, all it takes is a little inspiration to move forward on your hearing loss journey. My children motivated me to take an important step toward acceptance and self-advocacy. For others, it could be a simple change of the calendar that drives them forward. Or maybe even the start of spring.

Spring is a chance for new beginnings, renewed focus, and sometimes, a big leap of faith. This spring, perhaps it can be the excuse you’ve been waiting for to take another step toward living more skillfully with your hearing loss.

Woman walking down the center divider of a quiet country road

Recharge Your Hearing Loss Journey

For many years, I set the same life goals over and over again. They didn’t get me anywhere. But then I started thinking about behavioral changes more tactically and began scheduling them on my calendar.

For example: This spring I will get healthier. OK, add a weekly yoga class to my calendar. Or: This spring I will attend the theater more often. Great, buy two tickets to a new show. And then add a reminder on the calendar to do the same thing in a few months.

How can we apply this to hearing loss? Here are some ideas.

1. Wear your hearing aids consistently.

Resolve to keep them in, even when it gets challenging. Wearing our devices consistently allows our brains to better adapt to the new level of sound. Try a daily reminder on your phone that prompts you to put them in and keep them in.

2. Advocate for yourself.

Mention your hearing loss every time you make a restaurant reservation. Utilize caption readers at the movies or Galapro at a live theater production when available. Each time you speak up about your communication needs, it gets a little bit easier. Soon, it will be a habit. And remember, advocating for yourself helps everyone else with hearing loss, too.

3. Get your hearing tested.

Are you still wondering if you have hearing loss? Schedule a hearing test appointment right now. Or take one of the hearing tests available for free online or through an app.

4. Help others with their hearing loss. 

Finding hearing loss advocacy opportunities in your community helps you connect with others who share your experiences. Is there a local hearing-focused non-profit? A school for the deaf? Or reach out to a local house of worship or community theater about looping or captioning.

5. Tell friends and family more about your hearing loss.

Send an email to friends or share an informative hearing loss post on Facebook so they can better empathize with your communication challenges. The more they understand, the better they can support you on your journey.

6. Join other people with hearing loss.

Find a local HLAA chapter and go to the meetings. Some are in person, but many are now available virtually. Put the meeting dates on your calendar today so you schedule around them.

7. Explore new technologies.

The only constant in hearing technology is change. Apple AirPods Pro 2 can now be used as hearing devices for adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. Or try out a speech-to-text app or enable sound recognition on your smartphone. I tested Hearing Glasses at CES and loved them!

8. Read a hearing loss book.

Several good ones are available, and you might pick up a tip or two. Some of those reviewed on my site include Living Better With Hearing Loss By Katherine Bouton, The Way I Hear It by Gael Hannan, and Soundtrack of Silence by Matt Hay. Or pick up Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss, my book co-authored with fellow advocate Gael Hannan.

9. Educate others about hearing loss.

Volunteer to speak at a local senior center about tactics for coping with hearing loss or share your experiences online. You might learn some new things too.

10. Take a speechreading class. 

This can only help your communication skills and might even be fun. Add the dates to your calendar. Or look for an online course.

Readers, will you take another step forward on your hearing loss journey this spring?

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Book: Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss





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