Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeWeight LossJosh Deegan

Josh Deegan

Why did you seek out MAN v FAT’s support in the first place?
For me, I’d say there was two big factors as to why I decided MAN v FAT was something to give a try, and as to why the support worked or me.

Firstly, the fact it was all-male was a big, big thing. Whilst I was probably the youngest member of the Manchester league at the time I signed up, I certainly wasn’t the only male.  I think that was huge in terms of having a support network of people who ‘got’ it.

Secondly, I’d not played football in years, and being visually impaired, I knew that my ability in that department wasn’t so good, so I was a bit apprehensive when signing up and quite worried it would let me down.

However, after reading about the off field scoring system, I knew that I could bring in other ways of helping a team whilst improving my fitness and ability, so this would be the avenue I could take. Being spurred on each week and usually being the one to tip results in our favour on the weeks my team won (simply because I was consistently losing) was brilliant. I led from the front on that aspect and in turn looked to offer further support to my teammates and others as a result. 

Talk to us about why MAN v FAT has been such an important part of your life
Being part of MAN v FAT changed absolutely everything for me. I’ve gone on record before to say that everything good that has ever happened in my life has happened since that first weigh in, and that’s totally true. Losing the weight was one thing, but the improvement in confidence and mentality was something else.

It enabled me to realise that I can do things if I put my mind to it, leading me to a career I’ve always wanted in terms of helping others every day. From there, I was able to buy my own home and continue to work on myself. None of that happens if I don’t find MAN v FAT. So it has been huge in terms of shaping my life and the direction it has took the last few years, and the direction it will continue to take. 

How has it changed your current and future health and wellbeing?
Physically, the changes are there for all to see and are very obvious, but it’s mentally where I think the biggest changes have come into play. I mentioned already about confidence – the more you lose, the more assured you will find yourself. The prouder and taller you will walk. The boost you get by fitting into that smaller size or that shirt that didn’t fit this time last month is indescribable.

I must say, dealing with the physical changes was difficult to cope with mentally at times. I’d lived a certain way for so long, so to suddenly not be that way was a lot to take in at times. I have also been very open and honest regarding excess skin. Hand on heart, that has been the ONLY negative of my weight loss journey. If I am honest, seeing it there every day was really hurting me inside, as it did make me feel like I hadn’t lost the weight. However, I also knew it was a “symbol” of my journey, if you like, and as much as it did bother me, it was an extremely small price to pay in order to have the life I now did.   

Part of me was prepared to live with it, but then there was a part of me that also didn’t feel ‘complete’ and I knew that if I didn’t get this sorted, I never would do. I asked the question about this with a medical professional around 2019, and I even looked at paying for it privately – I was more than prepared to sacrifice my house deposit for it. There was a fair few hoops to jump through with it all, and I did have to wait a long, long time, but in 2023 I had my Abdominoplasty procedure to remove around 2.5kg of excess skin.

Since then, my recovery has been relatively smooth – there was a few hiccups, but due to having a really good surgical team, these were solved quickly – and I have been able to resume exercise safely. I’ve been back in the gym shaping myself in the way I’d always dreamt of. I finally feel like I’ve done it all now and I am looking forwards to living feeling content about my body for the first time. As I’ve said already, though, none of this happens without finding MAN v FAT and using it as the springboard for everything.

Why do you think MAN v FAT works as a programme to support men of all ages?
I think it works well because it is bringing sport, camaraderie, friendship and even competitiveness to the fore with other men who all want the same thing – to improve their overall wellbeing and live a better quality of life.

I’ve said already about it being a male only programme – that’s a big thing for someone like myself who signed up on my own. At least I knew I wouldn’t be the only male there.

Weight loss programmes, through no fault of their own, are proven to mainly be used by women, so to have something there that you know is only for males is great. In terms of appealing to all ages, different people will have different reasons for signing up – for me, it was so I wouldn’t be 30 stone at 30 after being 25 stone at 25, and to actually make sure I made it that far in life and beyond.

For someone else, it could be so they can finally play with their kids or grandkids without getting out of breath, or to fit in a suit to get married in etc. I saw all abilities and ages during my time there, and all were made welcome and contributed in their own way. 

Sum up MAN v FAT and its community in three words
Totally life changing.

The post Josh Deegan appeared first on MAN v FAT.



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