(leggings, top, beanie, shoes)
My heart is heavy with what is going on with one of my best friend’s sister, Elise, and her accident. All of the updates are here. We were with Elise on NYE a few weeks ago, and Jessie is someone I care for more than words can express. This family is the best of the best, and watching them go through the unimaginable is so hard. If you could keep them in your hearts for me, that would mean a lot. There is a gofundme for the driver of Elise’s car who did not make it if anyone wants to help.

On Saturday, after a rainy week, we had sunshine for our Jess’s long run for Boston. She ran 18 miles, and I ran 15 of her 18 miles @ 8:10 pace. All of my long runs used to include a speed workout, and it’s been really nice to get these long runs where we get to talk for hours and not even think about pace. I’m sure I’ll miss those soon enough but not quite yet;)

We stopped for water at a few gas stations…

And I brought a bag of Scandinavian Swimmers for fuel along the way.

We took Beck and Skye skiing afterward. Skye was pretty excited because she did a specific black diamond that she has wanted to do all season. She didn’t just do it once either; she did it three times.

And Beck flew down the mountain with his arms in the air.

These weekends when both big kids are gone at their other houses used to be really hard on Skye. She still misses them, of course, but now that Beck is older, they play and adventure together much more, which makes the time much easier on Skye. Beck even has a sleepover in her room when Brooke is gone, and I’m very grateful to see them bonding more and more with each year.

Sunday morning looked like this:

Then, it was off to pick Brooke up from the airport. I love getting in reading while I wait at her gate.

I do not know how we got so lucky to have my niece offer to come over and make us dinner.

She made us the most delicious soup to go inside of HOMEMADE bread bowls. It was too good to be true.

Today involves a 4:30 am alarm clock. Beck is getting his second set of ear tubes. They were so sweet to get him in first this morning because he won’t be able to eat before surgery. This way, he won’t even notice he is skipping breakfast, and we’ll be back home and in bed snuggling by lunch. I love seeing his little skis up while sitting on the lift.

*If anyone has been eyeing anything on JCREW, it is 30% with the code SPRING today: My recent JCREW purchases for our trip-> Here, here, here and here!
Tell me about your weekend!
Ever had to have anesthesia?
Do you like to include a speed workout in your long run or no?
Kristin Hannah fans, what is your favorite of her books?