Reaching 10,000 steps a day can be harder than you think! A great way to monitor this, motivate yourself and stay accountable is with a fitness tracker such a Garmin, Fitbit or Apple Watch. Bonus – these sync directly with The Healthy Mummy App making it even easier to integrate with your journey to health & fitness!
Typically, a sedentary person will walk around 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. With a little focus and commitment you can easily bump that number up, especially if you get creative. Fitness trackers can also be great for a little healthy competition amongst the family with many of them including features to compete in step challenges!
Check out our 17 ‘hacks’ to helping you reach 10,000 steps a day, which equates to 500 calories burned. Not bad if you can reach this goal easily each day without too much thought!

Why 10,000 steps?
Ever wondered why this is the magic number? It all started in Japan in the 1960s by a researcher, Dr Yoshiro Hatano. He discovered that to remain at our optimum health we needed to be burning 20% of our calorie intake. Which on average, happened to be 10,000 steps.
This research has now reached out to the wider world and the World Health Organisation recognises and recommends that people reach this goal each day to improve their health and reduce risk of diseases.
Walking is one of the easiest and most accessible forms of exercise, and aiming for 10,000 steps a day can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. It is something that can be enjoyed alone, with a friend or with the family.
Walking helps to keep your heart pumping and your blood flowing, reducing the risk of heart disease and improving cardiovascular health. It also boosts your metabolism, supporting weight management and helping fat loss.
Let’s not forget walking is a fantastic stress-reliever, as it releases feel-good endorphins! So what are you waiting for..
get out and enjoy the benefits of fresh air, and exploring new surroundings while you clock up those steps.
Grab your joggers, headphones and a bottle of water, pack the pram, car or a small backpack, pop of your fitness tracker and get moving!
So let’s get creative – 17 ways to bump your activity to 10K steps

While at home
1. Pace
Instead of standing waiting/talking/watching TV, pace the room at the same time.
2. Cleaning
Take one item at a time back to their living place.
3. Washing
Again, walk one item from the machine to the line at a time (you’ll be surprised how many steps this can add)
4. Phone calls
Make sure to take the call on your mobile so you can walk and talk.
While at work
5. Bus stop
Get off the bus one stop before work and walk the rest of the way.
6. Stairs
Instead of the elevator, take the stairs.
7. Visit co-workers
Instead of emailing or phoning your co-workers, walk to their office.
8. Coffee breaks
If you are having a coffee meeting, make it a walking meeting.
9. Treadmill or standing desk
Self explanatory!
Reminders – especially at work where you sit all day, set reminders to get up and move every hour.
Out and about
10. Coffee dates
Instead of sitting in a cafe, make them a walking date.
11. Park dates
While the kids play, you walk the perimeter or why not add a swing set work out.
12. Increase intensity
While running errands strap your baby to your back, walk up hills etc.
13. Parking
Park in the furthest spot from the shops, instead of the closest.
14. Avoid escalators
I find these days there don’t seem to be stairs so much anymore, but if there are, find them.
15. Be inefficient
While at the grocery store, go back and forth rather than systematically going down each aisle.
16. Kindy/school drop off
Walk! And get the kids to scoot or bike ride.
17. Bikes
Speaking of scooters and bikes, while they ride, you run next to them.
With all these ways to add steps in to your day, there will be no excuse not to smash that 10K steps goal and even up it to 12,500 and be considered highly active!
To help you achieve your health and fitness goals we have partnered with Garmin to offer you a great range of stylish smart watches that are easy to syc with your Healthy Mummy app to ensure you stay on track and to keep you motivated. Check out these stylish fitness trackers in The Healthy Mummy shop to see which one is right for you.
Want to take it one step further? Check out this blog and see How to sneak 100 squats into your daily routine for SPECTACULAR results