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Para pacientes, padres y cuidadores, los recortes a Medicaid son una afrenta personal


TUSTIN, California — Cynthia Williams está furiosa con los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos que están dispuestos a recortar Medicaid, el programa de salud dirigido por el gobierno para personas de bajos ingresos o con discapacidades.

La residente de Anaheim, de 61 años, cuida de su hija adulta, que es ciega, y de su hermana, una veterana militar con trastorno de estrés postraumático grave y otras afecciones de salud mental. Medi-Cal, la versión estatal de Medicaid, le paga a Williams para que las cuide, y ella depende de ese ingreso, al igual que su hermana y su hija dependen de ella.

“Seamos realistas. No deberíamos tener que estar aquí esta noche”, dijo Williams a una ruidosa multitud de más de 200 personas en una junta comunitaria. “Deberíamos estar en casa, pasando tiempo con nuestros seres queridos y nuestras familias, pero estamos aquí. Y estamos aquí para luchar, porque cuando los políticos intentan quitarnos nuestra atención médica, no tenemos la opción de quedarnos de brazos cruzados y dejar que ocurra”.

La primera semana de marzo, la Cámara de Representantes aprobó un plan presupuestario republicano que podría reducir el gasto de Medicaid en $880.000 millones a lo largo de 10 años.

Un recorte de gastos de esa magnitud tendría un enorme impacto en California, con casi 15 millones de personas (más de un tercio de la población) en Medi-Cal. Más del 60% del presupuesto de $161.000 millones de Medi-Cal proviene de Washington.

Williams estaba entre una docena de proveedores, defensores de pacientes, personas que viven con discapacidades y familiares que se pusieron de pie uno tras otro para contar sus historias. La representante Young Kim, republicana cuyo distrito incluye esta ciudad relativamente rica del condado de Orange, rechazó una invitación para que ella o un miembro del personal asistieran. Pero sus electores le transmitieron su mensaje alto y claro, a ella y a los demás republicanos en el Congreso: no toquen Medicaid.

Josephine Ríos, asistente de enfermería en un centro quirúrgico de Kaiser Permanente en Irvine, dijo que su nieto de 7 años, Elijah, ha recibido tratamientos indispensables a través de Medi-Cal, incluyendo un medicamento de $5.000 al mes que controla sus convulsiones, que pueden ser mortales. Elijah tiene parálisis cerebral y se encuentra entre más del 50% de los niños de California cubiertos por Medi-Cal.

“Recortar Medicaid, Medi-Cal, es como decir que no puede vivir. No puede prosperar. Se quedará en la cama y no hará nada”, dijo Ríos. “¿Quiénes son ellos para juzgar quién vive y quién no?”.

Dos tercios de los californianos de todos los partidos se oponen a los recortes a Medi-Cal, según una nueva encuesta de la California Health Care Foundation y NORC en la Universidad de Chicago.

Attendees sitting in a crowded room at a town hall event applaud.
Asistentes aplauden a los oradores en el Centro Comunitario Clifton C. Miller en Tustin el 20 de febrero.(Jenna Schoenefeld for KFF Health News)

El foro fue uno de los tres que organizó a fines de febrero “Fight for Our Health”, una coalición de sindicatos y grupos de defensa de la salud, para atacar a los miembros republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes cuyos distritos de California se consideran políticamente competitivos.

Los otros dos se realizarán en Bakersfield, parte de la cual está representada por el representante David Valadao, y Corona, donde vive el representante Ken Calvert. En las últimas semanas, han surgido otros foros y protestas en todo el país.

La coalición ha retomado una campaña (parte de un movimiento nacional más amplio) que luchó contra el intento fallido del Partido Republicano de derogar la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio (ACA) en 2017.

La pérdida del control de la Cámara por parte de los republicanos en las elecciones de medio término de 2018 se ha atribuido ampliamente a su postura sobre la atención médica. Valadao estuvo entre los miembros del Partido Republicano que perdieron sus escaños en 2018, aunque lo recuperó dos años después.

Aun así, votó a favor de la propuesta presupuestaria de la Cámara a principios de marzo, a pesar de que aproximadamente dos tercios de la población de su distrito está en Medicaid (la cifra más alta del estado) y a pesar de que es uno de los ocho miembros republicanos de la Cámara que enviaron una carta al voceru de la Cámara Mike Johnson advirtiéndole sobre las “graves consecuencias” de los profundos recortes a Medicaid.

La oficina de Valadao no respondió a las solicitudes de comentarios.

Calvert, que ha estado en la Cámara por 32 años y logró la reelección el pasado noviembre, también votó a favor del presupuesto, como Kim. Los nueve miembros republicanos de la delegación del Congreso de California lo apoyaron, al igual que todos los republicanos de la Cámara excepto uno.

A woman wearing glasses stands at a podium and points her finger as she speaks.
Josephine Ríos, empleada de Kaiser Permanente, se preocupa por su nieto Elijah, que tiene parálisis cerebral y depende de Medicaid para su atención, que incluye un medicamento que cuesta $5.000 al mes para controlar las convulsiones que pueden poner en peligro su vida. En la foto, Ríos habla en la junta comunitaria de Tustin.(Jenna Schoenefeld for KFF Health News)

Los críticos del plan presupuestario dicen que ayuda a los ricos a expensas de los más vulnerables de la sociedad, un argumento que se repitió vigorosamente en la junta de Tustin. Pero los partidarios del plan dicen que extender los recortes impositivos, cuyas disposiciones clave expirarán a fines de este año, evitaría un gran aumento de impuestos para los estadounidenses promedio y beneficiaría más a las familias de bajos ingresos.

“Las familias estadounidenses se enfrentan a un aumento masivo de impuestos a menos que el Congreso actúe antes de fin de año”, dijo Calvert en una declaración a KFF Health News antes de la votación. Prometió que el Partido Republicano no tocaría la Seguridad Social (Social Security) ni Medicare.

No ofreció garantías similares sobre Medicaid, pero dijo: “No estamos interesados ​​en recortar la red de seguridad social y sanitaria para los niños, los discapacitados y los estadounidenses de bajos ingresos. Estamos centrados en eliminar el despilfarro, el fraude y el abuso”.

El documento que recibió luz verde hace pocos días no especifica detalles sobre los recortes, aunque instruye al Comité de Energía y Comercio, que supervisa el gasto en Medicaid y Medicare, a recortar $880.000 millones, una gran parte de los $2.000 millones en recortes totales.

La angosta mayoría del Partido Republicano significa que Johnson tendrá un camino estrecho para conseguir la aprobación de un presupuesto más detallado. El apoyo republicano, ya sea de los halcones fiscales que quieren recortes más profundos del gasto o de los miembros de la Cámara de Representantes preocupados por recortar Medicaid, podría fluctuar a medida que se definan los detalles.

A woman writes a postcard.
Estela Hernández escribe una postal instando al representante republicano Young Kim a votar en contra de los recortes a Medicaid. (Jenna Schoenefeld for KFF Health News)

A woman with short, gray hair, wearing a navy sweater, speaks at a podium.
Beth Martinko, residente de Anaheim, está preocupada por lo que significarían los recortes de Medicaid para Josh, su hijo adulto discapacitado, quien depende de la versión californiana del programa para tener cobertura médica completa y para recibir atención médica las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana en su hogar. (Jenna Schoenefeld for KFF Health News)

Además, la Cámara de Representantes debe llegar a un compromiso con el Senado, que ha aprobado una resolución presupuestaria mucho más limitada que, por ahora, deja fuera los grandes recortes de impuestos.

Al igual que Kim, Valadao y Calvert rechazaron las invitaciones para asistir o enviar personal a las reuniones comunitarias en sus regiones. En la reunión de Tustin, varios oradores reprendieron a Kim por su ausencia. En un momento, la gran pantalla detrás del podio mostró una imagen de una silla vacía con las palabras, en letras grandes, “Congresista Kim, le reservamos un asiento”.

La vocera de Kim, Callie Strock, dijo en un correo electrónico que Kim y su personal local tenían compromisos preexistentes esa noche. Agregó que Kim está “comprometida a proteger y fortalecer nuestro sistema de atención médica”.

Pero los asistentes estaban claramente preocupados.

“Es una obligación moral para todos nosotros mirar a las personas más desfavorecidas de nuestro país y cuidarlas bien”, dijo Beth Martinko, cuyo hijo de 33 años, Josh, tiene autismo y depende de Medi-Cal para su atención. “Esto no tiene lugar en la política”.

A woman holds a protest sign in support of Medicaid.
Afuera de la junta comunitaria de Tustin, organizada por una coalición llamada “Fight for Our Health”, una mujer sostiene un cartel criticando al presidente Donald Trump e instando al Congreso a no recortar Medicaid.(Jenna Schoenefeld for KFF Health News)

Esta historia fue producida por Kaiser Health News, que publica California Healthline, un servicio editorialmente independiente de la California Health Care Foundation.

The Best 3 Express Workout Programs for Big Results


Life gets busy, and finding time for fitness can feel like an impossible task. But staying active doesn’t have to mean long, grueling workouts. In fact, short, efficient training sessions can be a game-changer for those with packed schedules. Whether you’re looking to build, maintain, or improve your fitness, just 30-45 minutes of focused movement can deliver significant benefits to both your physical and mental health.

Build Momentum with Bodyweight Progressions

If you’re just starting your fitness journey, bodyweight exercises are a great way to build momentum. Movements like squats, pushups, planks, and lunges require minimal setup and can be done anywhere, making it easier to fit in a quick workout, no matter how busy your schedule is. Even seasoned gymgoers, fitness enthusiasts, and athletes can benefit from bodyweight progressions when time is tight or gym access is limited. Progressions such as elevated pushups, Bulgarian split squats, and dynamic planks can challenge your strength, endurance, and stability at any fitness level.

Best of all, these workouts can be enjoyable for the entire family. Invite everyone, regardless of age, skill, or ability, to join in for a quick fitness session. From family plank challenges to squat relays, you can create fun and engaging moments while staying active together.

Here is a four-week bodyweight progressive routine to help you stay consistent even with no equipment. This approach builds strength, endurance, and consistency, laying a solid foundation for long-term fitness success.

Muscular fit man with a six pack performing bodyweight exercise jumping jacks to build endurance

Bodyweight weekly layout

Day 1: Full Body Strength & Health Movement

Exercise Sets & Reps Notes
A1. Tempo Squats 3 sets x 8 reps With Full Body tension, take 4 seconds to lower yourself.
A2. Bentover Y’s, T’s, I’s 3 sets of 8 each With thumbs up, lift your arms overhead and to the side to work your upper back.
A3. Side Plank Static Hold 3 sets of 15 sec hold Focus on pushing your shoulder away from your ear and crossing the top leg over the bottom scissor style.
B1. Single Leg Wall Assist RDL 3 sets of 8 reps/ side Place Back foot apprx. 90deg on wall, hinge your hips back and perform and RDL.
B2. Incline Tall Plank Shoulder Taps 3 sets of 8 reps/ side Find an elevated source (couch) and tighten the body. With good control slowly take one hand and tap the opposite shoulder.
B3. Jumping Jacks 3 sets of 30 reps Perform big full range with arms slightly bent but extended overhead.

Day 2: Full Body Strength & Healthy Movement

Exercise Sets & Reps Notes
A1. Wall Sit 3 sets of 30 seconds Keeping your back against the wall, bent your legs to 90 deg. Keeping core engaged.
A2. Eccentric Only Pushup 3 sets of 6 reps Focus on keeping tight and slowly lowering your self to the floor in 5 seconds
A3. Mcgill Curl-Up 3 sets of 8 reps/ side With one leg straight and one bent, crunch up letting your sternum move toward the ceiling.
B1. Single Leg Glute Bridge 3 sets of 10 reps/ side With one leg up, focus on stabilizing the pelvis while contracting the working glute at the top.
B2. Deadbug 3 sets of 30 sec Maintaining a neutral spine and braced core, moving arms/ leg opposite
B3. Calf Raise 3 sets of 10 reps Standing tall, toes elevated (optional) with soft knees, push through toes and squeeze calves at the top.

Day 3: Full Body Strength & Healthy Movement

Exercise Sets & Reps Notes
A1. Static Lunge 3 sets of 10 reps/ side Split stance, control body downward until knee taps floor
A2. Bird-Dog 3 sets of 30 sec/ side Quadraped Position: Arm/ Leg Opposites. Be smooth.
A3. Side Shuffle 3 sets of 30 sec Stay low
B1. Seated Straight Leg Raises 3 sets of 8 reps/ side Sit tall on floor with legs extended, lift leg while contracted quadriceps.
B2. Active Leg Lowers 3 sets of 8/ side On back with legs 90 deg. Slowly lower one leg with control and core tension.
B3. Prone straight arm extensions 3 sets of 8/ side Lying face down, arms to sides, lift one arm contracted triceps.Standing tall, toes
elevated (optional) with soft knees, push through toes and squeeze calves at the top.

Young fit man performing a single arm bent over row exercise for his 30 minute express workout program

Keep Moving with Minimal Equipment

For those aiming to maintain their fitness level during a busy schedule, short, focused bursts of activity can be incredibly effective. Even with limited time, a kettlebell workout—or similar exercises using resistance bands or dumbbells—can provide the strength and conditioning you need to stay on track. The versatility of these tools allows you to adapt to your environment, whether you’re at home, in a hotel, or in a small workout space.

Kettlebell training is especially efficient because it combines strength, cardio, and functional movement patterns into one session. Plus, the compact size and portability of a kettlebell make it ideal for quick, impactful workouts that fit seamlessly into a packed schedule. If you don’t have access to a kettlebell, resistance bands or dumbbells are excellent alternatives. They offer similar benefits and allow for a wide range of exercises that keep your routine varied and engaging.

Below is a simple 4-week kettlebell program designed to help you maintain strength, endurance, and overall fitness, even when time is limited. This format keeps the intensity high and the workout efficient, perfect for a demanding lifestyle.

Each workout takes 30-45 minutes and is structured to be scalable for all fitness levels.

Full-body Kettlebell Workout

Day 1: Strength & Hypertrophy

Exercise Sets & Reps Tempo Rest Intensity
A1. Tempo Goblet Squats 3 sets x 8 reps 4-2-1-1 45-60sec Moderate
A2. Single Arm Bent Over
3 sets x 10-12 each 3-1-1-1 45-60sec Moderate
B1. Half Kneeling Overhead
Bottoms-up Press
3 sets x 8-12 reps/ side 2-1-1-1 45-60sec Low
B2. Single Leg RDL 3 sets x 10-12 reps/ sid 2-1-1-1 45-60sec Low
C1. KB Side Bend 3 sets x 10-12 rep 2-1-1-1 45-60sec Low
C2. Half Kneeling Halo 3 sets x 8 reps/ side 2-1-1-1 45-60sec Low

Day 2: Strength & Hypertrophy

Exercise Sets & Reps Tempo Rest Intensity
A1. Dual KB Sumo Deadlift 3 sets of 8- 10 reps 3-2-1-2 45 sec Moderate
A2. Single arm KB Floor Chest Press 3 sets of 12 reps 2-2-1-2 45 sec Moderate
B1. Dual KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge 3 sets x 10 reps 2-1-1-1 45 sec Moderate
B2. KB Pull-over 3 sets x 10 reps 3-2-1-1 45 sec Low
B3. KB Bicep Curl 3 sets by 10 reps 2-1-1-1 45 sec Low

Day 3 Full Body Conditioning/Core

Exercise Sets & Reps Tempo Rest Intensity
A1. Kettlebell Swings 10 8 Min EMOM 2 Min Moderate
A2. Pushups 5 8 Min EMOM 2 Min Moderate
B. Dual KB Farmers Carry 25-50 Feet 8 Min EMOM 2 Min Moderate
C1. KB Clean & Press 5 8 Min EMOM 2 Min Moderate
C2. Gorilla Rows 10 8 Min EMOM 2 Min Moderate

Maximize Gains with Full-Gym Workouts

Having full gym access, even with a packed schedule, is a great opportunity to stay on track and make progress. With limited time, you can still achieve significant results by focusing on efficient, well-structured sessions. The key is dedicating specific durations to compound lifts, following up with hypertrophy-style accessory work to build or maintain lean muscle, and incorporating conditioning to round out your fitness for the week. This approach ensures you stay strong, fit, and ready to tackle higher training intensities across multiple zones.

Here’s a 4-week, quick 30-45-minute full-body progressive strength and conditioning routine to help you stay consistent and continue making gains.

Strong muscular man performing a express workout using a barbell
Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Full-Gym Express Workout

Day 1: Strength & Hypertrophy

Exercise Sets & Reps Intensity Rest Time Block
A. Barbell Box Squat Top 5 RPE 8 By Last Set 2 Min 12-15 Min Build
B1. Single Arm Lat Pull Down B1. 12 reps RPE 7-8 30-45sec 10-12 Min AMRAP
B2. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge B2. 10-12 reps RPE 7-8 30-45sec 10-12 Min AMRAP
B3. Plank Hold B3. 30-45 sec RPE 7-8 30-45sec 10-12 Min AMRAP
C1. Band Resisted Triceps Extension AMRAP RPE 7-8 10-15 sec 60 sec each
C2. Physioball Hamstring Curls AMRAP RPE 7-8 10-15 sec 60 sec each

Day 2: Full Body Strength & Hypertrophy

Exercise Sets & Reps Intensity Rest Time Block
A1. Bench Press A1. Top 5 A1. RPE 8 By Last Set As Needed 12-15 Min
A2. Trap Bar Deadlift A2. 5 reps RPE 6-7 working sets As Needed 12-15 Min
B1. Kickstand DB RDL B1. 8-10 reps/ side RPE 7-8 45 sec 10-12 Min
B2. Lateral Shoulder Raise B2. 10-12 reps RPE 7-8 45 sec 10-12 Min
B3. Reverse Crunch B3. 10-12 reps RPE 7-8 45 sec 10-12 Min
C2.Physioball Hamstring Curls AMRAP RPE 7 10-15 sec 60 sec each
C1. Band Resisted Biceps Curls AMRAP RPE 7 10-15 sec 60 sec each
C2. Standing Calf Raises AMRAP RPE 7 10-15 sec 60 sec each

Day 3: Full Body Conditioning/Core

Exercise Sets & Reps Intensity Rest Time Block
A1. Kettlebell Swing 8-10 RPE 7 2 Min 8 Min EMOM
A2. Dumbbell Push Press 8 RPE 7 2 Min 8 Min EMOM
B1. Chest Supported Row 10 RPE 7 2 Min 8 Min EMOM
B2. Side Plank Hip Thruster 8/ side RPE 7 2 Min 8 Min EMOM
C1. Alternating Jump Lunge 8 Total RPE 7 2 Min 8 Min EMOM
C2. Medball Vertical Slams 5 Explosive RPE 7 2 Min 8 Min EMOM

Effective Fitness Strategie

Regardless of the tools you use—body weight, kettlebells, or a full gym—short, focused workouts help you stay on track without disrupting your busy schedule. These sessions not only save time but also boost energy, reduce stress, and keep you progressing. Plan ahead, keep it simple, and stay consistent so you can feel strong, healthy, and energized. Even when time is tight, you’ve got this!

  1. Always start with a 5-10 min dynamic warmup to prepare the body to preform and stay injury free.
  2. Adjust or modify any movements to accommodate ability and personal fitness level.
  3. Switch out any equipment to better suit your needs, goals, or what you have access to.
  4. Want to push even harder—feel free to take the intensity up a notch or add your own spicy variations to these routines. These make for good guidelines for those that have some creative moves up their sleeves.
  5. Don’t stress too much right now about getting it all done. Do what you can and enjoy your holidays.
  6. Try to get a few minutes cool down in post workout with some static stretches or active recovery breathing to bring down the heart rate.

Cracking the Code on Joint Health: Myths Busted, Facts Revealed


Picture this: You’re at the park, watching your grandkids play, but instead of joining in, you’re stuck on a bench, wincing with every movement. Sound familiar? If joint pain is holding you back, you’re not alone. But what if I told you that many of the “facts” you’ve heard about joint health are actually myths? Let’s bust them wide open and explore how natural solutions like Hallelujah Diet’s Joint Health Supplement can help you reclaim your active life.

Myth 1: Joint pain is just part of getting older, right?

Wrong! While it’s true that our risk of joint issues increases with age, it’s not an unavoidable sentence to a life of discomfort. Think of your joints like the shock absorbers in your car – with proper care, they can keep you cruising smoothly for years to come.

The Truth: Many people maintain healthy, pain-free joints well into their golden years. The secret? A proactive approach combining proper nutrition, regular exercise, and targeted supplementation.

Myth 2: What I eat doesn’t affect my joints

Oh, if only our pizza-loving selves could believe this one! But here’s the scoop: your diet plays a starring role in your joint health blockbuster.

The Truth: An anti-inflammatory diet rich in colorful fruits, veggies, and omega-3s can be your joints’ best friend. It’s like giving your body the tools it needs to fight inflammation from the inside out. And when you pair this with Hallelujah Diet’s Joint Health Supplement? That’s when the magic really happens!

Myth 3: Exercise will make my joint pain worse

If you’ve been using this as an excuse to skip the gym, I hate to break it to you, but…

The Truth: Appropriate exercise is actually beneficial for joint health. Low-impact activities like swimming or cycling can strengthen the muscles around your joints, improve flexibility, and reduce pain. It’s like oiling a rusty hinge – the more you move, the smoother things get!

The Natural Supplement Superhero: Hallelujah Diet’s Joint Health

Now, let’s talk about the unsung hero in the joint health world – Hallelujah Diet’s Joint Health Supplement. This isn’t your average, run-of-the-mill joint supplement. Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

  1. Dual-action formula: It’s like having a firefighter and a builder in one. It reduces inflammation from acute injuries AND supports cartilage rebuilding.
  2. 100% natural, plant-based ingredients: We’re talking curcumin, boswellia, grape seed extract, and astaxanthin. Mother Nature’s finest, working together in perfect harmony.
  3. Superior absorption: Ever heard of BCM-95? It’s the most potent and easily absorbable form of curcumin available. Translation? Your body gets more of the good stuff, faster.
  4. Balanced approach: Unlike some competitors who use overly processed ingredients, this formula works gently with your body. It’s like a soothing whisper rather than a harsh shout.

A Success Story That’ll Make You Jump for Joy (Pain-Free!)

Meet Billie F., who used to struggle just to get out of bed in the morning due to arthritis pain. She shares, “I’ve had body pain due to arthritis, and this [Joint Health Supplement] helps more than the oxycodone my doctor gives me. He’s still trying to figure that out.”

Imagine that – a natural supplement outperforming prescription pain medication! Billie’s story could be your story too.

Why Hallelujah Diet’s Joint Health Supplement Should Be Your New Best Friend

  1. It addresses the root cause: No more band-aid solutions. This supplement goes straight to the source of joint issues.
  2. Scientifically formulated: Each ingredient is chosen for its proven benefits. It’s like a carefully curated team of joint health all-stars.
  3. Synergistic effect: All components work together for maximum benefit. It’s not just about individual ingredients; it’s about their powerful combination.
  4. Plant-based power: Harness the healing potential of natural ingredients without the side effects often associated with synthetic drugs. Your body will thank you!

So, are you ready to bust those joint health myths and embrace a life of movement and joy? Don’t let another day go by watching from the sidelines. With Hallelujah Diet’s Joint Health Supplement, you can take a proactive approach to joint health, potentially reducing pain, improving mobility, and enhancing your overall quality of life.

Remember, life’s too short to let joint pain hold you back. It’s time to get back in the game, whether that’s playing with your grandkids, hitting the golf course, or simply enjoying a pain-free walk in the park. Your joints are counting on you – give them the support they deserve with Hallelujah Diet’s Joint Health Supplement.

Ready to make a change? Your future self will thank you. Try Hallelujah Diet’s Joint Health Supplement today and start your journey towards healthier, happier joints. 

Correcting the Record About Social Security Direct Deposit and Telephone Services


March 12, 2025 •
By Social Security Administration

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: March 12, 2025

Social Security Administration SealRecent reports in the media that Social Security plans to eliminate telephone services are inaccurate. SSA is increasing its protection for America’s seniors and other beneficiaries by eliminating the risk of fraud associated with changing bank account information by telephone.

SSA continuously investigates and analyzes potential threats to strengthen and secure our programs and protect people who receive benefits. Approximately 40 percent of Social Security direct deposit fraud is associated with someone calling SSA to change direct deposit bank information. SSA’s current protocol of simply asking identifying questions by telephone is no longer enough to prevent fraud.

If someone needs to change their bank account information on SSA’s record, they will need to either:

  • Use two-factor authentication with SSA’s “my Social Security” service; or
  • Visit a local Social Security office to prove their identity.

These methods align with most major banks.

All other SSA telephone services remain unchanged.

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Pescatarian Diet: What to Eat and Benefits


Whether you’re a meat-eater who’s recently been spurred to abstain from mammals or a vegetarian seeking more flexibility in your food choices, the pescatarian diet might be what you’re looking for. It opens your nutrition to an entire ecosystem that may not occupy your plate regularly, while providing serious benefits for your heart, brain, and overall health.

Here’s how to follow a pescatarian diet and why you’d want to in the first place.

What Is a Pescatarian Diet?

Image of Salmon on Cutting Board | Pescatarian Diet

A pescatarian diet follows a mostly vegetarian diet, apart from the addition of fish and seafood. Some pescatarians also include dairy and eggs in their diet, while others do not.

“Most pescatarians eat many vegetarian meals and only include fish or seafood a few times per week,” says Jenn Cassetta, CN, MS, master of science in nutrition and certified nutritionist in Santa Monica, who has been on a pescatarian diet for more than 15 years.

Benefits of a Pescatarian Diet

According to Monika Jacobson, RDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Spokane, Washington, the pescatarian diet can offer significant benefits:

1. Brain and heart health

Many fish — like salmon, sardines, and mackerel — are high in omega-3s, which are beneficial for cardiovascular and glycemic health and may support brain health.

2. Weight management

“Eating fish or shellfish alongside a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, healthy fats, and whole grains at the appropriate calorie range is very beneficial for weight loss,” Jacobson says.

3. Lean protein

Most seafood is high in protein but lower in calories and saturated fat than other types of meat, allowing you to meet your protein requirements with fewer calories.

4. Sustainability

A pescatarian diet is generally more sustainable than eating meat, as fishing can have a smaller carbon footprint than raising the animals we consume.

What to Look Out for on a Pescatarian Diet

Close Up Image of Fish and Chips | Pescatarian Diet


When done right, a pescatarian diet can have great health benefits; it’s traditionally lower in saturated fats and focuses on nutritious plant foods and lean protein.

However, “there are always ways to turn healthy diets unhealthy,” says Ha Nguyen, RD, LDN, a registered dietitian in Philadelphia. “Technically, a pescatarian diet can be Pop-Tarts for breakfast, frozen fish sticks for lunch, and French fries for dinner.”

So instead of filling up on processed or fried foods, Cassetta recommends grilling, baking, or poaching your seafood and choosing plant-based protein sources such as beans, nuts, and seeds.

For example, try a lentil salad or hummus as a side dish instead of potatoes and other simple starches. Or go for a single-serving pack or two tablespoons of almond butter with some fresh vegetables as a midday snack instead of a coffee-shop pastry or whatever’s in the nearest vending machine.


The state of our environment means that nearly every fish contains mercury. But that isn’t a reason to eliminate fish from your diet or avoid the pescatarian diet.

“Levels of mercury in fish range dramatically, but if you pick the right seafood, you’ll have very little exposure,” says registered dietitian Janis Jibrin, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University.

This table from the FDA is a good resource for keeping track of the latest recommendations about mercury in fish. But as a rule of thumb, Jibrin suggests avoiding larger catch like swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish because they have more time to accumulate greater levels of mercury.

Low-mercury options include shrimp, salmon, pollock, and catfish. While canned light tuna is safe for regular consumption, canned albacore tuna is very high in mercury and should be consumed sparingly.


Your guiding principle for getting the best quality of seafood is to choose wild-caught fish whenever possible and avoid those that are farm-raised.

“When buying any animal protein, always choose the best quality that you can afford,” says Cassetta. “When it comes to fish and seafood, I like to go to a fish market where I can speak to someone and find out what’s freshest and be able to see where the fish comes from. Wild-caught fish eat what they are naturally meant to eat, and therefore usually have greater ratios of omega-3s. Farm-raised fish eat corn and soy and are fed antibiotics.”

Most fish can also be purchased frozen, which means it can be thawed and eaten when needed so that you don’t worry about wasting any. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, most frozen seafood today is equal in quality to fresh. Check out their tips for buying and handling seafood.

How to Get Started on a Pescatarian Diet

Ready to try out a pescatarian diet? Sharon Palmer, R.D., suggests creating a few go-to recipes that you enjoy and are easy to prepare, like black bean tacos or vegetarian stir-fry. “That way, you can make these recipes as easy go-to’s on your busiest days.” It can also be as easy as subbing the beef or chicken in some of your favorite recipes with fish.

Set up a meal prep schedule that works for you, Nguyen suggests. Since fresh seafood should be prepared in one or two days, start with that at the beginning of the week and have frozen options stored in the freezer for mid-week.

“Shrimp is great for stir-fry dishes, fish can be roasted in a pan for easy cleanup, and mussels and scallops are great for big batches of seafood pasta,” says Nguyen. “Look to canned tuna and sardines, which are both high in omega-3s, for easy lunch options.”

For vegetarians to ease into the diet, start by dropping in a seafood dish a few times a week, Jibrin suggests. “Being a pescatarian is basically being a vegetarian with the addition of seafood, so the transition for vegetarians is really easy. You could be a vegetarian on Monday, a pescatarian Tuesday, and a vegan on Wednesday.”

Reverse Sear Steak • Two Purple Figs


We’ve been making the Reverse Sear Steak for a while now and we can safely say, it’s fool proof. Its the absolute easiest method to perfectly cooked steak with a perfect sear. You’ll need a meat thermometer, and you’re off to the perfectly cooked steak.

A sliced reverse sear steak on a black marble showing the perfect medium rare cooked inside of the steaks A sliced reverse sear steak on a black marble showing the perfect medium rare cooked inside of the steaks

Like many recipes, cooking steak is a science. Reverse searing is an absolutely mind blowing process that creates the steak of your dreams. You simply reverse the process and achieve the doneness you want wit the golden crust you love.

Our very first encounter with this concept was from America’s Test Kitchen. In full transparency, we didn’t endorse this idea up until 3 years ago. And that’s simply because we felt that we got our steak under control, so why try something new.

But once we did, we realized this is not about us cooking steak. It’s about anyone and everyone who loves a perfect cooked steak with a fool proof method. This method is reverse sear steak, without a doubt.

Three steaks on a board revere seared and perfectly browned on the outside and surrounded by lemon and rosemary Three steaks on a board revere seared and perfectly browned on the outside and surrounded by lemon and rosemary

Why Reverse Sear Steak Works & Why You’ll LOVE it

  • In simple terms, reverse sear involves low temperature  baking of the meat which cooks the steak internally. At that point the surface is dry and can be seared to a perfect golden crust. Searing takes seconds so you’re left with a perfect crust and juicy inside.
  • The oven heat is so consistent that all the steaks reach the exact temperature you desire. The heat also dries the surface of the meat which makes searing a breeze.
  • You can then sear in butter and not worry about burning the crust too soon. The steak is already cooked internally so you have nothing to worry about.
  • This recipe works wonderfully for any doneness level that you like! So it’s not just for rare or medium rare, you can apply it to any type.
  • Likewise, you can use any cut of meat for this method. So a Ribeye Steak, a NY Strip Steak or a Fillet Mignon.
  • This recipe will make you easily entertain any number of people with steak, which is usually a TOUGH choice!
  •  You can serve this recipe with endless side dishes, so it’s a perfect main dish.
  • The steak is seriously JUICY. Every.Single.Time. So no guess work here and no luck, just juicy meat.
  • The process is just 15-25 minutes on average start to finish, depending on how well you prefer your steak.

Ingredients You’ll Need

Ingredients for reverse sear steak including the steak, some salt and pepper and the butter for searing Ingredients for reverse sear steak including the steak, some salt and pepper and the butter for searing Ingredients for reverse sear steak including the steak, some salt and pepper and the butter for searing

  • Steak. Use your favorite cut of meat for this recipe. We have some end cut wagyu here, but we’ve tested it with other cuts and it works well. The meat cooks faster if it’s at room temperature, but you can still cook it cold.
  • Seasoning. You can use a simple salt and pepper for maximum flavor fo the meat. Or use your favorite steak house seasoning.
  • Butter. Our favorite searing for maximum flavor. You can definitively use oil, or a combo. But we just love the combo of butter and meat.

How to Reverse Sear Steak

  1. This is where a meat thermometer comes in super handy, and actually essential. Based on how well you want your steak to be done, you’ll determine the cooking times.
  2. Usually this process takes between 15-25 minutes.
  3. For rare, you’ll bake the steak until  it registers at 90 degrees F internally. For Medium rare, you’re looking at 95 degree F. Medium steak should register between 100 -105 degrees F, while medium well is at 110 degrees F. Well done steak starts at 120 degrees F.
  4. Once you have reached the desired temperature, remove the steaks from the oven. You’ll notice no water has leaked out or blood, just dried out surfaces. This is optimal for a crisp sear.

Sear The Steak

The oven cooked steaks are placed in a heavy duty cast iron pan with lots of butter for achieving the seared crust The oven cooked steaks are placed in a heavy duty cast iron pan with lots of butter for achieving the seared crust The oven cooked steaks are placed in a heavy duty cast iron pan with lots of butter for achieving the seared crust

  1. Now it’s time for that crust on the steak, which is the best part! You’ll need a few things to achieve that perfect crust.
  2. Start with a sturdy skillet like a cast iron which retains the heat so beautifully. Add in the butter and some crushe whole garlic cloves.
  3. This is optional, so is adding in some rosemary sprigs or any other herb or lemon zest.
  4. Since the steak is already cooked on the inside, the searing will add in about 20 degrees F extra. This is how you’ll get the optimal doneness. flipped steak basted with butter in a cast iron skillet with a beautiful golden crustflipped steak basted with butter in a cast iron skillet with a beautiful golden crustflipped steak basted with butter in a cast iron skillet with a beautiful golden crust
  5. Flip the steak and continue basting it with remaining butter, adding more along the way.
  6. You’ll basically sear for just 1-1.5 minute per side to obtain the optimal crust.

Close up of a reverse sear steak out of the skillet and rested Close up of a reverse sear steak out of the skillet and rested Close up of a reverse sear steak out of the skillet and rested

Rest and Slice the Steak

  1. As you rest the steak, some extra carryover cooking will take place, and the juices will hold tighter into the meat. So it’s best to hold off on slicing right away.
  2. You need to rest the meat for about 5 minutes. And then feel free to serve as is or slice into pieces as shown above. We sliced it to show you the doneness.
  3. Ready to serve and Enjoy!

Top view of rested steak and one of them being sliced to show the golden crust and pink inside cooked to medium rareTop view of rested steak and one of them being sliced to show the golden crust and pink inside cooked to medium rareTop view of rested steak and one of them being sliced to show the golden crust and pink inside cooked to medium rare

Reverse Sear Steak Tips and Tricks

  1. You can use any type of steak for this recipe, so pick your favorite cut. An affordable steak would be the sirloin. A tasty one would be the NY Strip Steak and even more the Ribeye Steak. A super tender one wold be the tenderloin used in Surf And Turf. We even used Wagyu today and it was phenomenal!
  2. When it comes to seasoning, a simple and pepper are perfect. However you can add in your favorite steak spice as well and it would taste amazing!
  3. Make sure you have a meat thermometer for this recipe. It’s essential to have it in order to reach the perfect doneness level of your steak.
  4. Use a wire rack over the baking sheet in order to avoid any moisture on the surface of the meat.
  5. You can refrigerate the seasoned steak for 2 hours before cooking for a dryer surface which is highly recommended!
  6. Cooking the steak at low temperature initially is KEY to activate the enzymes that tenderize the meat. It also promotes even heat that is perfect for cooking the meta to desired level.
  7. The oven method also is the only way to prevent over cooking the steak in order to get a perfect crust.
  8. The thickness of the steak doesn’t matter here too, since you will reach the desired temperature either way.
  9. If cooking several steaks at the same time, make sure they are the same thickness so it’s easier to monitor in the oven.
  10. Cooking the steak in the oven dried out the surface further which is great for searing.
  11. The oven creates the perfect pink interior on the meat without grey-ish edges.

Cooking Temperature Guide for Reverse Sear Steak

  • Rare: Bake until 90 degrees F, sear until 120 degrees F.
  • Medium Rare: Bake until 95 degrees F, sear until 125 degrees F
  • Medium: Bake until 105 degrees F, sear until 135 degrees F
  • Medium Well: Bake until 115 degrees F, sear until 140 degrees F
  • Well: Bake until 125  degrees F, sear until 155 degrees F

close up of a sliced reverse sear steak showing the perfect pink inside and golden sear close up of a sliced reverse sear steak showing the perfect pink inside and golden sear close up of a sliced reverse sear steak showing the perfect pink inside and golden sear

What is Reverse Sear?

As the term is, basically you’ll reverse the traditional process. You’ll start by cooking the steak in a warm oven until the met reaches the temperature you’re opting for. Then you’ll sear the meat in a hot skillet on the stove to obtain the perfect golden crust.

Does Reverse Searing makes Steak more tender?

The process ensures you’ll have the perfect doneness to your steak and this means you’ll have a tedner steak. Another factor is the low temperature cooking of the meat which tenderizes it by activating enzymes.

Can you Reverse Sear Steak Ahead of time?

YES! You can cook the meat in the oven until you reach the desired temperature. Refer to the guide above. At that point you can keep the meat aside until you’re ready to sear. Sear it right before serving. This is best to maintain the juiciness of the meat, unlike cooking entirely ahead of time.

What is the best steak to use?

ANY! Ribeye Steak has tremendous flavor and marbling. The NY Strip Steak is also a great candidate, along with tenderloin or fillet mignon. Today we used Wagyu sirloin and it was perfect. The most affordable would be a sirloin.

Can I do the reverse sear on the grill?

You can either make the whole process using a temperature controlled grill, or just sear in the grill. To do the whole process, make sure the grill is set to 275 degrees and you’ll need indirect heat. Place the steaks inside, covering the lid, making sure to maintain the temperature.

When ready, remove from the grill and turn up the heat. Return the steaks back to the grill for the final charr and finish with a dab of butter when serving.

Reverse Sear Steak

We’ve been making the Reverse Sear Steak for a while now and we can safely say, it’s fool proof. Its the absolute easiest method to perfectly cooked steak with a perfect sear. You’ll need a meat thermometer, and you’re off to the perfectly cooked steak.



  • 4
    Ribeye or your favorite steak cut
  • 1
    salt and pepper

To Sear

  • 4
  • 4
  • 2


  1. Start by preheating the oven to 275 degrees F. YES that seems low and it is. This low temperature helps activate the enzymes of the meat and creates a tender steak.

  2. Line a baking sheet with a wire rack, and you can place a parchment paper under the rack if you prefer. We didn’t need to.

  3. Season the steak with salt and pepper and steak spice, or just salt and pepper. Place the steak on the wire rack in a single layer.

  4. Cook the Steak in the Oven

  5. This is where a meat thermometer is essential. Based on how well you want your steak to be done, you’ll determine the cooking times.

  6. Usually this process takes between 15-25 minutes. See the reference guide below on cooking temperatures.

  7. For rare, you’ll bake the steak until  it registers at 90 degrees F internally. For Medium rare, you’re looking at 95 degree F. Medium steak should register between 100 -105 degrees F, while medium well is at 110 degrees F. Well done steak starts at 120 degrees F.

  8. Once you have reached the desired temperature, remove the steaks from the oven. You’ll notice no water has leaked out or blood, just dried out surfaces. This is optimal for a crisp sear.

  9. Now it’s time for that crust on the steak. You’ll need a few things to achieve that perfect crust.

  10. Start with a sturdy skillet like a cast iron which retains the heat so beautifully. Add in the butter and some crushe whole garlic cloves.

  11. This is optional, so is adding in some rosemary sprigs or any other herb or lemon zest.

  12. Since the steak is already cooked on the inside, the searing will add in about 20 degrees F extra. This is how you’ll get the optimal doneness.

  13. Flip the steak and continue basting it with remaining butter, adding more along the way.

  14. You’ll basically sear for just 1-1.5 minute per side to obtain the optimal crust.

  15. Rest and Slice the Steak

  16. As you rest the steak, some extra carryover cooking will take place, and the juices will hold tighter into the meat. So it’s best to hold off on slicing right away.

  17. You need to rest the meat for about 5 minutes. And then feel free to serve as is or slice into pieces as shown above. We sliced it to show you the doneness.

Recipe Notes


Reverse Sear Steak Tips and Tricks

  1. You can use any type of steak for this recipe, so pick your favorite cut. An affordable steak would be the sirloin. A tasty one would be the NY Strip Steak and even more the Ribeye Steak. A super tender one wold be the tenderloin used in Surf And Turf. We even used Wagyu today and it was phenomenal!
  2. When it comes to seasoning, a simple and pepper are perfect. However you can add in your favorite steak spice as well and it would taste amazing!
  3. Make sure you have a meat thermometer for this recipe. It’s essential to have it in order to reach the perfect doneness level of your steak.
  4. Use a wire rack over the baking sheet in order to avoid any moisture on the surface of the meat.
  5. You can refrigerate the seasoned steak for 2 hours before cooking for a dryer surface which is highly recommended!
  6. Cooking the steak at low temperature initially is KEY to activate the enzymes that tenderize the meat. It also promotes even heat that is perfect for cooking the meta to desired level. 
  7. The oven method also is the only way to prevent over cooking the steak in order to get a perfect crust.
  8. The thickness of the steak doesn’t matter here too, since you will reach the desired temperature either way.
  9. If cooking several steaks at the same time, make sure they are the same thickness so it’s easier to monitor in the oven. 
  10. Cooking the steak in the oven dried out the surface further which is great for searing.
  11. The oven creates the perfect pink interior on the meat without grey-ish edges.

Cooking Temperature Guide for Reverse Sear Steak

  • Rare: Bake until 90 degrees F, sear until 120 degrees F.
  • Medium Rare: Bake until 95 degrees F, sear until 125 degrees F
  • Medium: Bake until 105 degrees F, sear until 135 degrees F
  • Medium Well: Bake until 115 degrees F, sear until 140 degrees F
  • Well: Bake until 125  degrees F, sear until 155 degrees F

What is Reverse Sear?

As the term is, basically you’ll reverse the traditional process. You’ll start by cooking the steak in a warm oven until the met reaches the temperature you’re opting for. Then you’ll sear the meat in a hot skillet on the stove to obtain the perfect golden crust. 

Does Reverse Searing makes Steak more tender?

The process ensures you’ll have the perfect doneness to your steak and this means you’ll have a tedner steak. Another factor is the low temperature cooking of the meat which tenderizes it by activating enzymes. 

Can you Reverse Sear Steak Ahead of time?

YES! You can cook the meat in the oven until you reach the desired temperature. Refer to the guide above. At that point you can keep the meat aside until you’re ready to sear. Sear it right before serving. This is best to maintain the juiciness of the meat, unlike cooking entirely ahead of time. 

What is the best steak to use?

ANY! Ribeye Steak has tremendous flavor and marbling. The NY Strip Steak is also a great candidate, along with tenderloin or fillet mignon. Today we used Wagyu sirloin and it was perfect. The most affordable would be a sirloin. 

Can I do the reverse sear on the grill?

You can either make the whole process using a temperature controlled grill, or just sear in the grill. To do the whole process, make sure the grill is set to 275 degrees and you’ll need indirect heat. Place the steaks inside, covering the lid, making sure to maintain the temperature.

When ready, remove from the grill and turn up the heat. Return the steaks back to the grill for the final charr and finish with a dab of butter when serving. 

Nutrition Facts

Reverse Sear Steak

Amount Per Serving

Calories 106
Calories from Fat 99

% Daily Value*

Fat 11g17%

Saturated Fat 7g44%

Trans Fat 0.5g

Polyunsaturated Fat 0.4g

Monounsaturated Fat 3g

Cholesterol 31mg10%

Sodium 673mg29%

Potassium 19mg1%

Carbohydrates 1g0%

Fiber 0.1g0%

Sugar 0.04g0%

Protein 1g2%

Vitamin A 352IU7%

Vitamin C 1mg1%

Calcium 10mg1%

Iron 0.1mg1%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

KURU Atom 2 Review | All Day Comfort


Raise your hand if you’ve ever spent an entire day on your feet, only to come home and immediately kick off your shoes with a sigh of relief. Yeah, we’ve all been there. But what if you didn’t have to? I’d like to introduce to you the KURU Atom 2, a shoe designed to keep your feet happy all day long.

KURU Atom 2 Review

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m picky when it comes to shoes. If I’m going to be on my feet for hours, I need something comfortable, supportive, and well….not ugly.

Because let’s face it, most shoes made for things like plantar fasciitis scream “orthopedic” in the worst way and end up collecting dust in the back of the closet.

The KURU Atom 2 is sleek and sporty, meaning you’ll actually want to wear it. This is the perfect shoe whether you’re running errands, hitting your daily steps or just tackling a long day on your feet.

If you’re someone who spends a lot of time on their feet and deals with plantar fasciitis, this might just be the shoe you’ve been looking for!

Who Is It Good For?

Who is the KURU Atom 2 a good fit for? Let’s break it down with some common categories:

  • Walking Workouts: It’s a heavier shoe, so you may want a different option.
  • Wide Feet: Lots of space but it also is available in wide!
  • Standing All Day: Just the right amount of support without sinking into the shoe.
  • Daily Wear:  Comfortable and stylish to dress up or keep casual for a workout.

This is going to be a great shoe to wear from standing at your desk, running errands or even hopping on an airplane for a long day of travel.

KURU Atom 2 Cushion

KURU Atom 2 Overview

I still remember those long event days when my feet were absolutely done to the point where I’d rather go barefoot or slip into a pair of flip flops than spend another second in my shoes. Throbbing and achy feet, no thank you.

I won’t lie, the second someone suggests a “specialty” shoe, my first thought is a hard pass. Most of them are clunky, bulky, and not something you’d want to actually wear outside of the house.

But I know that I’m not alone when it comes to dealing with things like plantar fasciitis, so I figured it was worth giving these a fair try.

As soon as I opened the box, I was shocked at how cool they looked and even immediately texted Amanda! I was so excited that I put them on immediately and wore them at my standing desk for the rest of the day.

This is a pair of shoes that I could picture wearing to run errands, pairing with jeans for lunch with a friend, or just anytime I know I’ll be on my feet for hours.

A “specialty” shoe that’s comfortable and stylish…. yes please!

KURU Atom 2 standing all day

I may not be on my feet all day for work anymore…okay, that’s a lie because I’m a gear tester…but not in the same way I used to be when working events. I never wanted to sacrifice comfort for style and vice versa,

KURU made updates to the Atom design after receiving a lot of feedback from the community. They wanted the shoe to not only look better but feel better underfoot.

While the weight of the shoe didn’t change too much, there were significant changes made in the sole by combining KURUCLOUD+ Foam and advanced KURUSOLE to give a more supportive feel.

KURU Footwear Technology
Kuru Footwear

KURU is a brand that designs heel-first footwear to match your foot’s natural biomechanics. Instead of adding a bunch of extra inserts to your shoes, it’s already built in for you!

KURU Atom 2 Specs

Let’s look at some of the details:

KURU Atom 2 Fit

As soon as you take the KURU Atom 2 out of the box, you can just tell they’re going to be comfortable.

The NOVAKNIT mesh gives a plush feel. It’s snug in the right ways without being restrictive, which is exactly what you want in a shoe you’ll be wearing all day.

I really like the KURU Atom 2 but I have a couple of complaints about the fit, both tied to one of the updates from the previous model.

First, the updated adjustable tongue moved around way too much and tended to stick out, especially if you tighten the laces more. It’s a small detail, but once you notice it, you can’t forget about it.

KURU Atom 2 heel cushion

Second, I found that as the day went on, whether standing or walking, the laces loosened and my heel started to slip out the back. Normally this is an easy fix with heel lock lacing, but there are no extra eyelets to make that adjustment.

One silly thing is about the added layers in the sole giving you a little extra height. Now, it’s not a deal breaker and you probably won’t even notice it during the day. But if you’re already tall and prefer shoes lower to the ground, it’s something to keep in mind.

KURU Atom 2 Feel

As soon as I put the KURU Atom 2 on, I immediately noticed the KURUSOLE. The best way to describe it is like putting your heel in a cup. At first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, it was different from anything I’d worn before.

The good news is that the shoe just needs a little extra time to break in. By the end of the day, I barely even noticed that cupped feeling!

The curved, heel-cupping design gives your heel pad a little extra support and forms to your foot. If you’re someone who deals with plantar fasciitis, this is exactly the kind of structure that can make a big difference.

Shoes with deep heel cups offer runners with plantar fasciitis not only protection for the heel bone but also a reduction in pronation which can help manage that all too familiar heel pain.

KURU Atom 2 walking shoe

The other thing that caught me off guard was the firmness of the cushioning. The sole is made up of multiple layers including the KURUCLOUD+, KURUSOLE and the ULTIMATE INSOLES so I had expected it to feel super plush. But for a shoe designed to support plantar fasciitis, firm and balanced cushioning is actually the way to go.

A cushioned shoe absorbs shock, protecting the plantar fascia from strain caused by repetitive impact. But too much cushioning can make your foot and ankle unstable.

The KURU Atom 2 strikes that balance of plush enough to be comfortable but firm enough to provide support making it a perfect option if you’re dealing with plantar fasciitis.

Similar Shoes to the KURU Atom 2

There you have our full review of the KURU Atom 2, it’s a definite give them a try from us! We’re excited to keep following this brand to see what they come out with next.

Looking for more shoe reviews and training tips?

Three Key Takeaways from Take Command’s 2025 Home Health HRA Report


High turnover is one of the biggest challenges facing the home health industry. Between staff shortages and fierce competition from hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare employers, home health providers struggle with both recruiting new employees and retaining existing ones.

7 mistakes to avoid for optimizing recovery


Are you waking up for a run but still feeling heavy or sore from the last one? You might be skipping the key steps that allow your legs to properly recover in time for each new training session. You’re not alone; these are common mistakes that even the most elite runners take extra care to avoid to ensure they feel peppy in time for their next run.

man running

1. Increasing mileage or intensity too quickly

If you’re trying to build mileage, only increase your run volume by about 10 per cent each week. When it comes to intensity, make sure your workouts feel relatively comfortable before ramping them up. Avoid increasing intensity and mileage simultaneously, as this can lead to injury.


2. Not drinking enough water

While the recommended water intake is 3.7 L per day for men and 2.7 L for women, which includes both beverages and food, you might need more if you exercise, sweat a lot or live in a hot climate. Try carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day or consuming more foods with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, berries, celery or spinach.

runner foam-rolling leg on yoga mat

3. Rolling or stretching too little (or too much)

A foam rolling and stretching routine is important for increasing flexibility, releasing muscle tension and reducing soreness after a workout. But keep in mind, it’s easy to overdo it. Only roll and stretch after your body is warmed up to avoid injuring or straining the tissues, and keep it brief; only roll or stretch each major muscle group for 60 seconds.

4. Not sleeping enough

Balancing work or school with training is difficult, but you won’t reach your full athletic potential if you aren’t getting adequate sleep, since that’s when training adaptations take hold (not while you’re working out). For optimal recovery and performance, aim for at least eight hours of sleep per night.

dirty running shoes

5. Waiting too long to replace your shoes

If your running shoes are old, the foam in the soles will no longer absorb impact, leading to increased stress on your feet and joints. This can leave your legs feeling more sore than usual and could lead to injury.

Iron-rich foods

6. Not fuelling properly

To facilitate recovery, it’s not only important to eat within 30 minutes of completing a run or workout, it’s also crucial to consume the right foods. Focus on high-protein foods with carbohydrates to allow your body to build muscle and replenish its energy stores.


7. Drinking alcohol after a tough workout

It’s important to balance lifestyle and running, but keep in mind that alcohol, even if consumed after a workout, can impede recovery. Alcohol makes you dehydrated, can affect your deep sleep and can slow your muscles’ ability to adapt and repair themselves after a tough workout.

10 Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut To Watch For


Your gut does more than just digest food—it plays a critical role in your overall health. It affects everything from immunity and metabolism to mental well-being. When your gut is in balance, you experience smooth digestion, stable energy levels, and a strong immune system. However, an unhealthy gut can trigger a wide range of symptoms that extend beyond digestive issues.

Many people suffer from gastrointestinal problems without realizing they are linked to their gut health. Symptoms like bloating, fatigue, brain fog, and skin issues can be a sign of an imbalanced gut microbiome or poor digestion. Recognizing these symptoms early can help prevent chronic stomach diseases and improve overall well-being.

So, how do you know if your gut is in trouble? This article will explore 10 signs of an unhealthy gut, explain why gut health matters, and provide insights into why maintaining gut balance is essential for long-term health.

What is Gut Health?

Your gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These microorganisms are collectively known as the gut microbiome. A healthy gut maintains a balance between good and bad bacteria. It ensures smooth digestion, proper nutrient absorption, and immune function.

However, a disruption in this balance can lead to GI problems. It can affect various systems in the body. The reasons for this disruption can be poor diet, stress, antibiotics, or lack of fiber. The imbalance, also known as gut dysbiosis, is linked to digestive issues, inflammation, and weakened immunity.

A healthy gut supports:

  • Efficient digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Strong immune defense against infections
  • Balanced mental health, as the gut and brain are deeply connected
  • Reduced inflammation, lowering the risk of chronic diseases

When gut flora is disrupted, the body begins to show warning signs, signaling the need for intervention.

Why Does Gut Health Matter?

Your gastrointestinal system does much more than break down food. It has a direct influence on overall health. The gut produces essential vitamins, hormones, and neurotransmitters, which affect multiple aspects of the body, from the immune system to brain function.

A compromised gut can lead to digestive ailments, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, and food intolerances. However, gut imbalance does not only cause stomach problems symptoms—it can impact energy levels, skin health, and even mood stability.

Key Takeaways on Why Gut Health Matters:

  • 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, influencing autoimmune responses.
  • The gut-brain axis connects the digestive system with mental health, meaning gut problems may lead to anxiety, stress, and fatigue.
  • A disrupted gut microbiome may contribute to digestive disorders, inflammation, and chronic conditions like obesity and diabetes.

Understanding the signs of an unhealthy gut allows you to take proactive steps toward better digestion, immunity, and overall well-being.

10 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut

Your gut is a complex system that influences digestion, immunity, and even brain function. When your gut microbiome is imbalanced, your body starts sending warning signals. While stomach issues symptoms like bloating and indigestion are apparent indicators, an unhealthy gut can also manifest in ways you might not expect.

Below are 10 signs of an unhealthy gut, explained in detail, along with their impact on overall health. If you notice any of these digestive problems symptoms frequently, it may be time to take action.

1. Frequent Bloating and Gas

Bloating and excessive gas are among the most common signs of gastrointestinal problems. While occasional bloating is normal after eating certain foods, persistent bloating can indicate gut dysbiosis. It is an imbalance in the gut microbiome.

The gut contains both beneficial and harmful bacteria. When the balance is disrupted, harmful bacteria ferment undigested food and produce excessive gas. This fermentation process can also lead to poor digestion symptoms, including stomach discomfort and irregular bowel movements. Additionally, conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) are often linked to chronic bloating and gas.

Signs to Watch For

  • Persistent bloating, especially after meals
  • Uncomfortable fullness, even with small meals
  • Excessive gas that does not resolve naturally

2. Irregular Bowel Movements: Constipation or Diarrhea

A healthy gut promotes regular bowel movements. It ensures that your body expels waste efficiently. However, digestive issues like chronic constipation or diarrhea suggest that your gut bacteria balance is off.

Constipation occurs when the gut’s movement slows. It often results from a lack of fiber, dehydration, or an unhealthy gut microbiome. On the other hand, diarrhea can result from gut infections, food intolerances, or increased inflammation in the gut lining. Individuals with IBS or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) frequently experience both symptoms, alternating between constipation and diarrhea.

Signs to Watch For

  • Chronic constipation or hard stools
  • Frequent loose stools without a clear cause
  • Abdominal cramping associated with irregular bowel movements

3. Food Intolerances and Sensitivities

If you find that certain foods consistently cause bloating, stomach pain, or diarrhea, your gut may be struggling to digest them. Food intolerances are not the same as allergies. However, they indicate that your gut lacks the necessary enzymes or microbiota diversity to process certain foods properly.

The gut microbiome plays a vital role in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. When gut flora is disrupted, digestion becomes inefficient. It leads to signs of stomach problems in adults, such as bloating, nausea, or discomfort after consuming dairy, gluten, or certain carbohydrates. Lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity are typical examples of food intolerances linked to poor gut health.

Signs to Watch For

  • Digestive distress after eating dairy, gluten, or processed foods
  • Unexplained nausea or discomfort after meals
  • Increased bloating or cramps with specific foods

4. Unexplained Fatigue and Low Energy

Do you feel constantly tired despite getting enough sleep? Your gut health could be the culprit. The gut plays a critical role in energy production by breaking down food and absorbing essential nutrients like iron, vitamin B12, and magnesium. If the gut is inflamed or compromised, nutrient absorption becomes inefficient, leading to chronic fatigue.

Moreover, poor gut health is linked to chronic inflammation, which increases oxidative stress in the body. That makes you feel sluggish. Conditions such as leaky gut syndrome can also contribute to gut health and fatigue. It prevents your body from absorbing key nutrients required for energy production.

Signs to Watch For

  • Constant tiredness despite adequate rest
  • Unexplained weakness or brain fog
  • Frequent afternoon energy crashes

5. Frequent Sugar Cravings

An unhealthy gut can trigger intense cravings for sugar and processed foods. It happens because bad gut bacteria and yeast (like Candida) thrive on sugar. They influence your brain to seek more of it.

Research shows that gut dysbiosis can interfere with hunger hormones, making sugar cravings stronger. A diet high in sugar, in turn, fuels the growth of harmful bacteria. It creates a cycle of gut imbalance. If you find yourself craving sweets excessively, it could be a sign that your gut microbiome is out of sync.

Signs to Watch For

  • Uncontrollable cravings for sugary foods
  • Energy spikes and crashes throughout the day
  • Increased hunger despite regular meals

6. Weakened Immune System and Frequent Infections

Approximately 70% of the immune system resides in the gut. That makes it a crucial defense system against infections and illnesses. A gut imbalance can weaken your immune response. Hence, it can make you more susceptible to colds, infections, and allergies.

When the gut is unhealthy, it can no longer properly regulate inflammation or prevent harmful pathogens from entering the bloodstream. It can lead to chronic inflammation, autoimmune conditions, and increased susceptibility to seasonal illnesses.

Signs to Watch For

  • Frequent colds or infections
  • Allergies worsening over time
  • Slow recovery from sickness

7. Skin Problems: Acne, Eczema, and Rashes

The gut-skin axis connects your digestive health with skin health. If your gut is inflamed, it can trigger skin issues like acne, eczema, rosacea, or unexplained rashes.

Gut imbalances increase inflammatory markers in the bloodstream, which can lead to breakouts and skin irritation. Studies suggest that individuals with chronic skin conditions often have imbalanced gut flora and an overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

Signs to Watch For

  • Persistent acne despite skincare efforts
  • Dry, flaky, or inflamed skin
  • Unexplained redness or irritation

8. Difficulty Losing or Maintaining Weight

A healthy gut plays a crucial role in metabolism and weight regulation. When bad gut bacteria dominate, they affect how the body stores fat and processes nutrients.

Disruptions in gut hormones (like leptin and ghrelin) can lead to increased appetite, poor blood sugar control, and weight gain. On the other hand, some individuals may experience unexplained weight loss due to malabsorption issues.

Signs to Watch For

  • Sudden weight gain or difficulty losing weight
  • Constant hunger despite eating enough
  • Unexplained weight loss without dieting

9. Nutrient Deficiencies and Malabsorption

If you are deficient in key nutrients like iron, vitamin D, or B12, it may indicate gut absorption issues. The gut is responsible for extracting essential nutrients from food, and when compromised, it leads to deficiencies even if your diet is balanced.

Conditions like IBD, Crohn’s disease, or Celiac disease are commonly linked to malabsorption and nutritional imbalances.

Signs to Watch For

  • Brittle nails and hair loss
  • Pale skin or frequent dizziness
  • Low iron levels despite supplementation

10. Sleep Issues and Poor Mental Health

Your gut produces neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which influence mood, sleep, and mental health. When the gut microbiome is imbalanced, anxiety, depression, and insomnia can arise.

Research suggests that individuals with gut dysbiosis are more likely to experience mood disorders, stress sensitivity, and sleep disturbances.

Signs to Watch For

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Increased stress and mood swings
  • Feeling low without a clear reason

Possible Causes of an Unhealthy Gut

An unhealthy gut does not develop overnight. Several factors contribute to gut imbalances, and most of them stem from lifestyle choices, diet, and environmental factors. Understanding these causes can help you take preventive steps and restore gut health effectively.

1. Poor Diet and Processed Foods

A diet high in processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats disrupts the gut microbiome. Excessive consumption of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and additives feeds harmful bacteria while reducing the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. This imbalance can trigger digestive issues, inflammation, and poor nutrient absorption.

2. Chronic Stress and Lack of Sleep

Stress has a direct impact on gut health. When stress levels rise, cortisol levels increase, which can negatively affect digestion, slow metabolism, and weaken the gut lining. Chronic stress can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammation, and increased gut permeability (leaky gut syndrome). Similarly, poor sleep disrupts gut bacteria balance, leading to fatigue, weight gain, and digestive problems symptoms.

3. Frequent Antibiotic and Medication Use

Antibiotics, while effective against infections, can wipe out both harmful and beneficial bacteria in the gut. This imbalance can make it difficult for the gut to recover and restore its natural bacterial diversity. Additionally, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), birth control pills, and acid reducers can disrupt gut health by affecting microbiota composition.

4. Lack of Fiber and Prebiotic Foods

Fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. A low-fiber diet deprives good gut bacteria of the nutrients they need to thrive. Prebiotics (found in bananas, onions, and whole grains) serve as food for beneficial bacteria. These foods promote a balanced gut environment. Without fiber, gut bacteria diversity decreases, leading to digestive problems and slow metabolism.

5. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol, especially in large quantities, disrupts gut flora. It leads to an increase in bad gut bacteria and gut inflammation. Chronic alcohol use is linked to leaky gut syndrome, poor digestion, and increased risk of gastrointestinal problems.

6. Sedentary Lifestyle and Lack of Exercise

A lack of physical activity negatively affects gut health by reducing the diversity of gut bacteria. Studies suggest that regular exercise improves gut flora composition, enhances digestion, and reduces symptoms of gastrointestinal problems.

7. Environmental Toxins and Pollution

Exposure to pesticides, chemicals, and heavy metals can negatively impact the gut microbiome. These toxins can alter gut bacteria composition and weaken gut barrier function. It leads to increased inflammation, stomach diseases, and digestive ailments.

Important Tips for Improving Your Gut Health

Improving gut health is not just about avoiding harmful habits; it is also about making sustainable changes to promote a balanced gut microbiome. Below are practical and science-backed ways to restore and maintain gut health.

1. Increase Fiber Intake

Eating fiber-rich foods supports gut bacteria diversity. Include whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables in your diet to promote healthy digestion and reduce symptoms of digestive issues.

2. Consume Probiotics and Fermented Foods

Probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria into the gut, helping restore balance. Foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso contain natural probiotics that support digestion and strengthen the immune system.

3. Eat Prebiotic Foods

Prebiotics feed good gut bacteria, ensuring their survival. Include foods like garlic, onions, asparagus, bananas, and oats to nourish your gut flora.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water aids digestion and supports gut motility. It prevents constipation and other signs of poor digestion.

5. Reduce Sugar and Processed Foods

Cutting down on sugar, artificial sweeteners, and processed foods helps prevent the overgrowth of bad gut bacteria. It reduces inflammation and gut distress.

6. Manage Stress Levels

Practicing meditation, deep breathing, and physical activity can lower stress levels, which helps in reducing symptoms of gastrointestinal problems.

7. Prioritize Quality Sleep

Poor sleep affects the gut microbiome. It leads to stomach issues, symptoms, and metabolic imbalances. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.

8. Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity promotes gut bacteria diversity. Incorporating moderate exercises like walking, cycling, or yoga can improve gut function.

9. Limit Antibiotics and Medications

Only take antibiotics and NSAIDs when necessary, as they disrupt gut microbiota balance. If you must take them, consider adding probiotic supplements to restore gut health.

HealthifyMe Note

Your gut health is a direct reflection of your overall lifestyle and dietary choices. Every meal, every night of quality sleep, and every stress-free moment contributes to a stronger and healthier gut. If you experience persistent digestive issues, skin problems, or unexplained fatigue, it is time to pay attention to your gut microbiome. Small but consistent changes like eating gut-friendly foods, exercising regularly, and managing stress can make a huge difference. A balanced gut is a necessity for optimal health.

Signs of Poor Gut Health: The Final Word

Your gut is the foundation of your overall well-being, and recognizing the 10 signs of an unhealthy gut is the first step in restoring balance. Digestive issues, fatigue, weakened immunity, and skin problems often point to an imbalanced gut microbiome. However, improving gut health is entirely possible through dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and stress management.

For a structured approach to gut health and overall fitness, explore Healthify AI Plans by HealthifyMe. These AI plans, customized under the supervision of health experts, bring together top nutritionists and health coaches—all from the comfort of your home. Pairing a healthy diet with regular movement is the key to a resilient gut and a healthier you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I know if I have digestive problems?

A: Frequent bloating, irregular bowel movements, food intolerances, and unexplained fatigue may indicate digestive problems. If these symptoms persist, consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and the possibility of gastrointestinal issues.

Q: Can stress cause an unhealthy gut?

A: Yes, chronic stress increases cortisol levels, which disrupts gut bacteria balance and weakens digestion. It can lead to constipation, diarrhea, and gut inflammation.

Q: What foods should I eat for a healthy gut?

A: A healthy gut thrives on fiber-rich foods, prebiotics (bananas, oats, garlic), probiotics (yogurt, kimchi), and fermented foods. Reducing processed foods and sugar also helps maintain gut health.

Q: How does gut health affect mental well-being?

A: The gut and brain are connected through the gut-brain axis. An imbalanced gut can influence mood, stress levels, and mental clarity, increasing the risk of anxiety and depression.

Q: Can I improve gut health without probiotics?

A: Yes, you can improve gut health by eating fiber-rich foods, reducing processed foods, staying hydrated, and managing stress. Probiotics help, but they are not the only solution for ailments of the digestive system.

Q: How does poor gut health impact immunity?

A: About 70% of the immune system resides in the gut. An unhealthy gut weakens immunity. That makes you prone to infections, inflammation, and autoimmune disorders.

Q: When should I see a doctor for gut issues?

A: If you experience persistent bloating, chronic constipation, unexplained weight loss, skin problems, or fatigue, consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Research Sources

1. ‘Gut health’: a new objective in medicine?

2. The Impact of Diet and Lifestyle on Gut Microbiota and Human Health

3. Role of Dietary Nutrients in the Modulation of Gut Microbiota: A Narrative Review

4. Gut Microbiota, Probiotics, and Their Interactions in Prevention and Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: A Review.

5. Gut microbiome diversity is associated with sleep physiology in humans.

6. Gut microbiota dysbiosis in functional gastrointestinal disorders: Underpinning the symptoms and pathophysiology

7. Symptoms & Causes of Diarrhea

8. Mechanisms by which gut microorganisms influence food sensitivities

9. Dietary triggers of abdominal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: randomized placebo-controlled evidence

10. Brain–gut–microbiome interactions in obesity and food addiction

11. Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the Gut Microbiome: A Comprehensive Review

12. A primary care approach to abdominal pain in adults

13. Reduced diversity and altered composition of the gut microbiome in individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome

14. Micronutrient deficiencies in inflammatory bowel disease.

15. Gut microbiome diversity is associated with sleep physiology in humans.

16. The Impact of Diet and Lifestyle on Gut Microbiota and Human Health