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Federal ACA Marketplace Enrollment Lagging



It’s open enrollment season for the Affordable Care Act — and there are ongoing challenges.

First up, enrollment.

New and returning sign-ups through — the federal marketplace that serves 31 states — are well below last year’s rate. New enrollments were just over 730,000 in early December, compared with 1.5 million at the same time last year.

To give consumers in those states more time to enroll, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services extended the deadline to Wednesday to sign up for coverage that starts Jan. 1. (Open enrollment itself ends in most states on Jan. 15, for coverage that would begin Feb. 1.)

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is seeking to put on hold an order by a federal judge in North Dakota who ruled in favor of 19 states that challenged a rule allowing — for the first time — enrollment in ACA coverage by “dreamers,” people brought to the United States as children without immigration paperwork.

The Dec. 9 ruling effectively barred those who qualified for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in the 19 states from enrolling in or getting subsidies for ACA plans. It does not appear to affect enrollment or coverage in other states, lawyers following the case have said.

On Monday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit granted a temporary stay of the order at the government’s request. A final decision, expected any day, could extend the stay while the court hears the appeal.

The Biden administration argues that North Dakota hasn’t proved it would be harmed by the rule — and that not granting a stay would be disruptive. The Dec. 9 order would cause the federal government to incur financial costs if it has to retool the marketplace to reflect the change and notify those who have already enrolled that their plans are canceled, the administration argued.

The original case was filed in August in U.S. District Court in North Dakota and is being heard by District Judge Daniel Traynor, who was nominated in 2019 by then-President Donald Trump.

Previously, the federal government estimated that about 100,000 uninsured people out of a half-million DACA recipients might sign up for 2025 coverage. In its new filing, the government says 2,700 have enrolled through the federal marketplace, and an unknown number in states involved in the litigation that run their own state-based marketplaces.

The Biden administration rule, finalized in May, clarified that those who qualify for DACA would be considered “lawfully present” for the purpose of enrolling in plans under the ACA.

All the states challenging the ACA rule say it will cause administrative and resource burdens as more people enroll, and that it will encourage additional people to remain in the United States when they don’t have permanent legal authorization.

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How to Reduce Night Sweats Naturally



Has waking up drenched in sweat become a nightly ritual? Consider this your cue to find a solution. Because night sweats are more than annoying (and a strain on your hamper); experienced often enough, they can take a toll on your overall health.

“They can mess with your mood by disrupting your sleep. They can lead to weight gain because, when you don’t sleep, you eat more and your metabolism changes. All of those things can be a cascade effect of night sweats,” says Nanette Santoro, M.D., a professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine who researches menopause-related treatments.

If you’re already struggling with the side effects of night sweats, rest assured it’s never too late to turn things around. Read on to understand why night sweats emerge and steps you can take to reduce night sweats naturally.

Get relief from symptoms of hormonal imbalance — like night sweats — with Belle Vitale, a complete lifestyle program. Click here to learn more.

What Causes Night Sweats​?

There are several possible reasons you may wake up covered in sweat, and many are linked to your hormones. Here are the most common causes of night sweats.

1. Hormonal imbalance

Tops among the factors contributing to night sweats is hormonal imbalance, especially during menopause and perimenopause. “Night sweats are among the most common symptoms of menopause, experienced by up to 80 percent of women at some point in their transition,” Dr. Santoro says. However, night sweats can strike during any stage of a woman’s reproductive life from puberty into postmenopause.

The agent of chaos here is estrogen which, in addition to helping regulate the menstrual cycle, helps moderate your body’s core temperature. Research shows that fluctuations in estrogen levels associated with menopause can effectively confuse your body’s internal thermostat, located in the hypothalamus.

As a result, your brain can perceive changes in temperature where there aren’t any. So when levels of estrogen, which promotes cooler body temps, arbitrarily drop, your brain may falsely interpret that as an increase in core temperature and activate the sweat response to cool the body when it’s not actually needed.

2. Mood stabilizing medications

woman looking at prescription bottle | How to Reduce Night Sweats

Mood stabilizers are sometimes prescribed to treat night sweats. “But the very same ones we use to treat night sweats can sometimes cause them,” Dr. Santoro notes.

It’s unclear why, but Dr. Santoro says certain antidepressants affect the same area of the brain that causes night sweats, so they may impact brain chemistry in a way that sparks rather than dampens them.

3. Thyroid activity

In some people, the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland in the front of the neck churns out more hormones than needed. Hormones produced in the thyroid help manage metabolism, which is how your body turns food into energy. But when your system has a surplus of these hormones, many processes can speed up, causing rapid heartbeat, unexplained weight loss, nervousness, and… excessive sweating.

4. Fever

The fever you may get from various infections — cold, flu, chickenpox, etc. — can make your body temperature surge at night, resulting in excessive sweating. These nocturnal heat spells are part of your immune system’s efforts to battle the infection.

5. Low blood sugar

Ever wake up hungry and sweaty? You may have experienced a bout of low blood sugar. This is when your serum glucose (blood sugar) levels dip below normal, and can strike if you skip dinner, exercise late in the day, or drink alcohol before bed.

If blood sugar drops too low, the body mobilizes adrenaline and cortisol to help restore it. These are the same hormones that drive the “fight-or-flight” response in times of stress by revving your heartbeat and releasing glucose into the blood to deliver energy in response to a perceived threat.

Concurrent with this response is sweating, which is triggered to help regulate body temperature. So, while rare, your body can perceive malnourishment as a stressor and may respond accordingly.

6. Alcohol consumption

woman drinking wine on couch | How to Reduce Night Sweats

Relaxing with a glass of wine before bed may set you up for sweaty rest. Alcohol can cause your blood vessels to relax and widen (known as vasodilation) and your pulse to quicken as your heart pumps harder to maintain blood flow.

This can make your skin feel warm and flushed as more blood flows to the surface, subsequently triggering sweat glands to dissipate that heat. And the more you drink, the more profound this effect can be.

The havoc wreaked on your body’s internal A/C may also be compounded by the cost of all this vasodilation: a drop in core temperature as all that warm blood is diverted to the surface.

So, your skin is not only getting warmer and sweatier, your internal temperature is actually decreasing, an effect that may be further aggravated as the body tries to strike a balance between core and peripheral temps.

7. Substance withdrawal

Alcohol and drugs can not only increase heart rate during use — these substances can have the same effect while trying to quit them, resulting in night sweats, Dr. Santoro says.

This occurs because your nervous system has gotten accustomed to functioning while on the given substance and now has to adjust to a new status quo. Heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature can rise, prompting the sweat response to cool the body.

8. Chronic sweating

Some people just naturally sweat more. Chronic sweating tends to run in families and results when the nerve that controls perspiration is oversensitive, triggering glands to produce more sweat than normal.

If you experience chronic sweating, you may sweat heavily day and night. However, Dr. Santoro notes that fewer distractions at night often make sweating more noticeable when you’re trying to sleep.

9. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Up to 15 percent of us get too little vitamin B12, which is crucial for red blood cell production and neurological function. In extreme cases, deficiency may contribute to increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which can lead to excessive sweating.

If you think you may be experiencing adverse effects from any medication, substance issue, or physiological function, you should consult a healthcare professional.

How to Know if You’re Sweating Abnormally

woman resting in bed | How to Reduce Night Sweats

There are some differences between night sweats and plain ol’ perspiration.


Normal sweating tends to be continuous. “If you’re perspiring, you usually keep on perspiring because [the environment is] hot,” Dr. Santoro says. So, if you’re sweating because your bedroom’s a blast furnace, the sweat will pour fairly continuously until you stick a foot out from under the covers or crack open a window to cool off.

Night sweats, on the other hand, are typically spasmodic. “Like hot flashes, night sweats come on pretty suddenly and then they go away,” Dr. Santoro says. In fact, the two can often accompany one another, and this cadence can repeat intermittently over the course of a night’s sleep or multiple nights’ sleep.


If you’re awake during a night sweat, you may feel a sensation of intense heat that begins in the head and moves downward through your body. (And if you aren’t awake during a night sweat, you probably will be, which is another differentiator from normal sweating.) Regardless, once it subsides, that sensation can be followed by a chill as your body temperature normalizes, Dr. Santoro says.

Additionally, unlike common perspiration, you may find that you’re sweating so much you become soaked and have to change your clothes. You may also notice that your heartbeat has sped up and your skin is flushed.

5 Natural Remedies for Night Sweats​

There are a number of lifestyle strategies you can employ to help minimize night sweats — of course it’s also a good idea to see a healthcare provider to find out what’s causing them. While natural remedies can help in many cases, some people may need more specialized care to treat a health condition.

With that in mind, here are the behavioral changes that can help you sleep drier through the night.

1. Avoid dietary triggers

adding peppers to mixing bowl | How to Reduce Night Sweats

Some foods can trigger night sweats, including:

  • Spicy foods like peppers contain natural compounds like capsaicin that trick your body into thinking you’re overheating. This triggers a cooling response that cranks up sweat production.
  • Caffeine stimulates your nervous system, which can cause body temperature to rise. It also sensitizes the nerves that control your sweat glands, so you may sweat more easily.
  • Alcohol, as explained earlier, can cause vasodilation of blood vessels, bringing more blood to the skin’s surface and making you feel warm and flushed. In turn, your body may release sweat to cool you down.
  • Hot beverages like cocoa, tea, and coffee can raise your internal temperature; your body may counter by activating the sweat response.

To lower your odds of night sweats, steer clear of these dietary triggers close to bedtime.

2. Reduce stress

Effective stress management may help moderate body temperature, which has been found to increase in response to stress, particularly at the skin. Pausing for breath work exercises throughout the day is a simple step you can take to reduce stress.

When you are stressed, your heart and breathing rate accelerate. By intentionally slowing your breathing, you’re telling your body’s stress response to stand down. Aim to spend a few minutes taking slow, deep inhales and exhales in the morning, mid-day, and before bed.

3. Try select supplements*

Some natural ingredients may help combat stress and anxiety.

However, some supplements may interact with medications or health conditions, so check with your doctor before trying one.

4. Take cold or lukewarm showers

woman showering | How to Reduce Night Sweats

Exposing your body to high heat (as during a hot shower) can make night sweats more likely, Dr. Santoro says. If you shower close to bedtime, keep the water lukewarm or even cold to prevent your body temps from skyrocketing. If that’s not a part of your regimen, try cooling off with a cold shower before bed.

5. Cool down your environment

To stave off night sweats, keep your bedroom cool.

  • Use a fan, open the windows, or crank up the A/C.
  • Cooling bedroom accessories can help, too. “Some of my patients swear by their cooling mattress,” Dr. Santoro says. If a new mattress is too big an investment, try pillows and mattress covers that contain cooling gels.
  • Opt for lightweight bedding and layer it to shed as needed during the night. Loose-fitting, lightweight pajamas are also a good idea.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Mini Curried Lentil Wellingtons – Sharon Palmer, The Plant Powered Dietitian



If you’re looking for a special recipe—for a holiday, romantic dinner, party, or Sunday night family meal—then this vegan puff pastry recipe for Mini Curried Lentil Wellingtons is the one. I first created this puff pastry recipe for a New Year’s Eve party a few years ago, and I’ve been enjoying it ever since. In fact, people tell me that they make it for their holiday table! This Wellington recipe is a classic!

This Wellington recipe is the perfect elegant entrée, with its savory, aromatic lentil vegetable filling encased in layers of crisp puff pastry (I use frozen puff pastry). And these mini, individual, hand-held Wellingtons are also really delicious as an appetizer or a sophisticated “sandwich” at a picnic or outdoor event (LA folks, think Hollywood Bowl!). You can make them in advance and eat them cold, or just warm them up in the oven prior to eating. I love to serve this recipe with a sweet-tart fruity sauce, such as my Pomegranate Mandarin Sauce, pictured below.

Try this Pomegranate Sauce with Mandarins as an accompaniment for these Mini Curried Lentil Wellingtons.

What is puff pastry?

It is a light, flaky pastry product made from layers of dough and butter. When you bake it, the dough puffs up and gets golden, crisp, and delicious. While many puff pastries are non-vegan, because they contain butter, you can find a variety of frozen puff pastry products that are vegan. While most puff pastry contains gluten, you can find a few brands that are gluten-free. Just read the labels.

Follow along with my step-by-step guide on how to make these vegan wellingtons. They look a lot harder to make than they really are, meaning they will impress everyone at your table!

Watch me make this recipe on Instagram here.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Heat olive oil in a skillet, and sauté onions and garlic for 4 minutes; add carrots, mushrooms, peas, curry powder and black pepper and sauté for 5 minutes. Add lentils and broth, and cook until tender. Stir in walnuts.
Prepare thawed puff pastry squares.
Remove pastry from package and waxed paper and arrange on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Scoop up about 1/4 cup filling per Wellington.
Place filling in the center of the Wellington and moisten the bottom two edges with water using your fingertips.
Fold over the top edge of the pastry to the bottom edge, forming a triangle.
Secure the bottom edge of the pastry by pressing down with a fork along the entire edge.
Dip the pastry brush into the plant-based milk and brush the entire surface of the pastries.
Bake in the oven at 400 F for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown.


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This vegan recipe for Mini Curried Lentil Wellingtons, each a crisp individual puff pastry filled with a delicious blend of lentils and spices, is great as an appetizer, entrée, holiday feature, or sophisticated hand-held sandwich at a picnic.

Curried Lentil Filling:


  • 1 package (1 pound 1.5 ounces; 8 5×5-inch squares) vegan puff pastry dough squares, defrosted (if you can’t find squares, try sheets and slice them into about 5×5-inch squares)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons plant-based milk, plain, unsweetened

  1. In a large skillet, heat olive oil.
  2. Sauté onion and garlic for 4 minutes. Add water and stir.
  3. Add carrots, mushrooms, peas, curry powder, and black pepper and sauté for an additional 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
  4. Add lentils and vegetable broth, stirring to combine. Cover, and let simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove lid and allow to simmer for another 15 minutes, until liquid is absorbed, and lentils are tender but not mushy. Adjust moisture as needed by adding water if too much is lost to evaporation during cooking. Should achieve a moist texture, with no residual liquid.
  5. Stir walnuts into mixture and remove from stove.
  6. Preheat oven to 400 F.
  7. Prepare pastry by lining a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lay out 8 puff pastry squares evenly over the baking sheet.
  8. Fill the center of each pastry square with ¼ cup of filling.
  9. Place water in a small dish. Moisten your fingertips with water and swipe across the bottom two edges of each pastry.
  10. Fold over the top edge of the pastry to line up with the bottom edge, forming a triangle.
  11. Dip a pastry brush in a small dish of water and moisten the bottom edge of the pastry.
  12. Using a fork, secure the top edge to the bottom edge of the pastry by pressing with the fork around the entire edge.
  13. Place plant-based milk in a small dish. Dip a pastry brush into the plant-based milk and moisten the surface of the pastries with the brush.
  14. Place in the oven and bake for 18-22 minutes, until golden brown.
  15. Remove and enjoy!

  • Prep Time: 25 minutes
  • Cook Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
  • Category: Dinner
  • Cuisine: American

For other plant-based entrees, check out some of my favorites:

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More Tools for Eating and Living the Goodness


New Adidas Terrex Film Celebrates Crewing – iRunFar



Ultrarunning is a team sport.

While the athlete may be the one who crosses the finish line, there is often an unsung network of people at the race who have met the runner at the aid stations, cheered them on, and given them well-timed pep talks. This new film from adidas Terrex — “Inside the World of Ultra Running Crews” — explores the ways in which a crew can be pivotal to an athlete’s race-day success.

The film follows five of the brand’s athletes and their crews at the 2024 UTMB races. We go behind the scenes with Toni McCann (South Africa) and Eric LiPuma (U.S.) who are racing the 100-kilometer CCC; and Abby Hall (U.S.), Emily Hawgood (Zimbabwe), and Pablo Villa (Spain), who are racing the 100-mile UTMB. Regardless of the distance, the runners are looking for a Formula One pitstop-style transition through the aid station tents and back out on the course, conducted by their friends, family, and teammates.

The film is a smooth blend of character stories and top tips for crewing. It is an ideal watch whether you’re looking for a nosy peek into the highs and lows of the elite end of UTMB, or are navigating crewing for something similar yourself.

These nuggets of advice sometimes come in the form of harsh realities. As British athlete Holly Page bluntly puts it, “If you mess up, you’ve messed up someone else’s race.” The storylines don’t shy away from the stress of crewing a runner and the shots of a crew member anxiously laying out bottles in straight lines and opening the wrapper on a bar in preparation are almost comical. But at the elite end, you’re saving crucial seconds this way.

The most universal tip — and possibly the most important — comes from Bastien Perez, who is crewing Toni McCann. He notes that you also have to look after yourself. A crew can sometimes be driving to remote locations throughout the night, and it’s important to make sure that you catch some sleep and have something to eat. You are useless to the athlete if you are likewise sleep-deprived and depleted.

Inside the World of Ultra Running Crews - Toni McCann, Bastien Perez

Bastien Perez resupplying Toni McCann at an aid station during the 2024 CCC. Photo: adidas Terrex

The responsibilities don’t end with the practical and pragmatic. “A lot of crewing is here,” says Paul Lind, pointing to his head. He is coach and crew for Emily Hawgood. “What you say at mile 50 is really important to the athletes … what are the right words to say? What should you not say?”

In the film, this aspect is most evident for Abby Hall, crewed by her husband Cordis Hall. For a bit of background, Abby suffered a knee fracture last year in a freak accident and has had a long journey through rehabilitation and back to racing. She was supposed to race UTMB the year prior and unfortunately the race was not panning out as she hoped it would this time. She wanted to drop.

Cordis listens to her doubts. He responds according to his own experience of the sport and his deep knowledge of Abby as a person and athlete. This moment in the film is a real tear jerker. Abby’s determined, almost child-like expression as Cordis delivers the exact pep talk she needs is why this is about more than just a race. We crews are not just refilling our runners’ bottles and giving them fresh socks. We are racing — and living life — right there with them.

Abby gets back out on the trail. “No more pity party,” says Cordis, emotion brimming in his own eyes. Whether you’re the athlete or the crew, whether you’re at the elite end or chasing the cutoffs, you’re in it together, and as this film emotionally shows us, getting to that finish line is an achievement for everyone.

Call for Comments

Have you crewed a friend or family member for an ultramarathon? How was your experience?


Master the Ballerina Bulgarian Split Squat



You should know that Bulgarian Split Squat, builds single-leg strength and improves your performance with bilateral squats, deadlifts, and quad size.

The adductors are a critical muscle for this and more. The strength and mobility of this muscle group are vital for performance on and off the field and avoiding the dreaded groin strain. And if you pull sumo, your adductors must be in good shape for better pulling performance. Many great unilateral exercises strengthen the adductors, but none with a cooler name than Ballerina Bulgarians.

Ballerina Bulgarians come from “The Glute Guy,” Bret Contreras. For this, Tony Gentilcore, one of the co-founders of Cressey Sports Performance and co-owner of Core Collective in Boston, MA demonstrates the proper Ballerina Bulgarian split squat technique.

Benefits of Elevated Split Squats?

Good is relative here because they are challenging, but Gentilcore explains why there is much more to them than meets the eye.

“For starters, most of our daily activities (not to mention all of athletics) are performed on one leg, so we can easily make the case that single-leg training (i.e., elevated split squats) is more functional,” he says.

Gentilcore adds: “Second, when we train one leg at a time, we prioritize what’s referred to as the Sub-lateral system (a term popularized by strength coach Mike Boyle some years ago). Without going too far down the rabbit hole in nerd-speak, the Sub-lateral system refers to the adductors and hip abductors on the standing leg and the quadratus lumborum on the opposite side. In short, it focuses on pelvic stability. And lastly, they’re a great option to fry your legs,” explains Gentilcore.

The Ballerina Bulgarian Squat

If you are looking to up your Sumo deadlift game or enhance your single-leg training, Gentilcore explains how stance change helps. “ The main benefit for Ballerina Bulgarians (this is what Bret Contreras calls them) is that they target the adductors a bit more. As someone who prefers to pull with a more sumo-style stance, this is a stellar option for me as it’s a perfect accessory or complimentary movement. Plus, there’s a bonus: You only need a bench and a dumbbell to perform it.” says Gentilcore.

Ballerina Bulgarian Squat Form Tips

Gentilcore says this is more of a feel exercise than one where you want to torture yourself, so go lighter than you think. Focus on pushing your knee over your toes without the heel coming off the floor with the foot on the floor. On the return, focus on pulling yourself back to an upright position with your adductors (groin muscles) of the leg bent on the bench.

He also explains that performing Ballerina Bulgarians works better with one dumbbell because you will achieve a greater range of motion and a deeper stretch in your adductors.

Set and Rep Suggestions

Gentilcore likes this as an accessory movement after performing deadlifts (especially if you pull sumo style). Three to four sets of 8-12 reps per side work well.


Yoga Hand Gesture for Wealth – Fitsri Yoga



>>Download Yoga Mudras Free PDF!

Yoga Hand Gesture for Wealth – Fitsri Yoga
Image: Fitsri

Seeking prosperity in life and career along with an abundance of wealth is a desire of every human being. Having immense confidence and self-esteem to tackle life’s challenges is of utmost importance in today’s competitive and busy lifestyle.

Kubera mudra is one of those hand mudras that will help you fulfil desires, provide abundance, prosperity and counter physical ailments. 

In this article, we will discuss Kubera mudra, its benefits and how it works for wealth.

What is Kubera Mudra?

Kubera mudra is an hasta (hand) mudra practiced for physical, mental, and spiritual prosperity, abundance, and fulfilment of desires. It is named after the Hindu God of Wealth “Kuber“, which is why it is also referred as “mudra for wealth”. 

Kubera mudra enhances confidence and focuses the power on wealth & prosperity, which is ideal for business. This mudra is practiced to accomplish future goals that a practitioner wants to achieve or desires.

On practicing Kubera Mudra, the practitioner harnesses the power of their thoughts. It’s performed by joining the tip of the index, middle, and thumb while bending the rest two fingers to the palm. Meditation with this hand gesture brings prosperity, contentment, and a desire for gratification.

In the Ayurvedic context, Kubera Mudra helps increase the lack of Vata Dosha which is generally described as cold, light, dry, rough, flowing, and spacious symptoms. Vata Dosha consists of two elements air and ether. These two elements are related to the index and middle finger which are used to make this hand mudra.

How to Do Kubera Mudra

kubera mudra
Kubera mudra hands resting on thighs. Image Source: instagram/kirahodgson
  • Sit in a comfortable meditative posture such as Padmasana (lotus pose), Sukhasana (easy pose), Virasana (hero pose), or Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose).
  • You can keep your eyes closed or open. For open eyes, fix your gaze at one point. 
  • Bring your hands on the knees with palms facing up. 
  • Join the tips of your index and middle finger with the tip of the thumb. Curl ring and little finger to the palm center.
  • Hold the fingers and hands in this gesture over thighs or kneecap. 
  • Visualize the upward-pointing joint of fingertips is allowing your energy to move upwards. It brings a calming sensation to the body when you keep your focus on it throughout the whole practice.

Hold the mudra for at least 10 to 15 minutes in one sitting. However, Kubera mudra can be used in meditation sessions. In that case, hold it for a minimum of 40 to 45 minutes.

Kubera Mantra

Chanting mantras while practicing Kubera Mudra can enhance its effects. Two common mantras are:

  1. Kuber Dhan Prapti Mantra:(Money mantra)

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namah

Meaning – I bow down to Kubera, the Lord of Wealth and the destructor of all sorts of troubles in my life.

If you chant this mantra with conviction, it ensures that you do not suffer any financial losses and attain profits in your business.

2. Shri Kuber Mantra:

Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhanadhanyadhipataye

Dhanadhanyasamriddhim Me Dehi Dapaya Svaha

Meaning – I meditate upon the king of the Yakshas and the son of Vishrava (glory and honor), Lord Kuber, who owns all the riches of the world, to bless me with wealth and success in life.

This mantra will bring success and happiness into your life along with your family’s. It also boosts your self-esteem and elevates your social standing.

Practicing Kubera Mudra necessitates complete concentration. The intention should be expressed positively in the mind while practicing the mudra.

You can practice Kubera mudra even while standing or laying down. so if for any reason you cannot sit on the ground or for longer durations, you can choose other alternatives.

Significance of Fingers in Kubera Mudra

Owing to its 3 finger arrangement, Kubera mudra is a 3-finger gesture.

Each of the three fingers helps in channelizing the energy in a specific way. The fingers are associated with the planets of our solar system thus their qualities are also invoked with the finger formation.

Each finger in Kubera mudra has its significance:

  • Thumb – It represents the fire element and has characteristics of planet Mars. By using the thumb you gain courage, self-confidence, leadership abilities, and physical strength.
  • Index Finger – It represents the air element and has characteristics of the planet Jupiter. It’s the planet of auspiciousness thus it helps with education, wisdom, command, and spirituality.
  • Middle Finger –  It represents the space element and has characteristics of the planet Saturn. It promotes an individual to perform their karma and enhances humbleness.

Where the thumb boosts confidence and gives strength, the middle finger encourages a person to do their Karma and be humble. The index finger complements the two by adding the element of luck in the fulfilment of a desire or karma one is doing.

Benefits of Kubera Mudra

Kubera mudra is also known as money mudra. It not only brings riches and wealth but is also beneficial to your physical health. It helps control blood circulation, increase concentration and memory. Also, this mudra is a way of increasing confidence and calmness.

Practice Kubera mudra and begin experiencing these benefits:

  1. Assists in achieving inner ambitions and objectives by improving brainpower.
  2. Helps balance the left and right nostrils and clears the frontal sinuses.
  3. Improves blood circulation by increasing the supply of oxygen to your heart and thus controlling blood pressure.
  4. This mudra cures problems of phlegm, sinus, nasal congestion, intense headaches, heaviness, and facial pain as it brings down the water and earth element (by curled fingers).
  5. It is effective in tackling Vata and air element deficiency which controls heart rate, breathing, and cellular functions.
  6. It enhances your sense of smell, heightens your “inner vision,” and allows you to perceive your life path more precisely.
  7. The mudra also aids productivity by improving concentration and focus.
  8. If you strongly desire something, regular practice of kubera mudra can help you achieve it with force and power.
  9. You will be able to tap into the universal energy which will rejuvenate and revitalize the body.

How Long to Practice Kubera Mudra?

To gain the full benefits of Kubera Mudra, hold the gesture for 10 to 15 minutes at a time if you’re practicing it for manifestation. Ideally, practicing a hand mudra for 45 minutes daily over several weeks will start showing positive results.

However, if holding a hand gesture for 45 minutes in one sitting is too much for you, do practice a mudra two to three times a day at your convenience. In this way, practice Kubera mudra for 10 to 15 minutes in each sitting.

Best Times to Practice Kubera Mudra

The optimal times to practice Kubera Mudra are during morning and evening meditation sessions, especially after yoga, when you need to rest your mind and body.

You can also practice Kubera Mudra at the beginning of any new projects, calls, or activities that are significant to you. If you feel depressed or worried, practicing Kubera Mudra can help alleviate these feelings.

Even when you’re on a full stomach, you can still practice Kubera Mudra


Kubera doesn’t have any side effects, however, it can worsen the symptoms of aggravated Vata.

People with an aggravated Vata should practice Kubera mudra with caution. If you’re having already excess Vata symptoms, this mudra can further stimulate them. Symptoms like dizziness, dryness, poor circulation, muscle spasms, etc are the result of the increase in the air element. Practicing this mudra for long durations can worsen the symptoms of Vata imbalance.


Kubera mudra practitioners agree that repeated usage of this gesture significantly improves attention, a stronger feeling of purpose, and faster goal achievement. Incorporating the Kubera Mudra into your daily life can offer you success and wealth. It also restores a sense of serenity and tranquillity by re-igniting internal energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Does Kubera Mudra really work?

It is to be noted that Kubera mudra is not a substitute for hard work. To make one’s desire a reality, one must also put in a lot of effort. Kubera Mudra only grants the ability to fulfil one’s desires. It teaches people how to care for them by teaching them how to concentrate.

Q2. Are there any side effects of Kubera Mudra?

There are no known side effects of Kubera mudra. However, if at any point in time you feel discomfort, you can stop practicing the mudra and take a break.

Q3. How does Kubera Mudra work for wealth?

Kubera Mudra intensifies the process of desire and when we think what we want, Universe comes forward to assist us in unimaginable ways. It opens immense possibilities whom you can easily identify.


ABLE Act – 10 Years of Progress for People With Disabilities



Happy Family Socialising in the KitchenOn December 19, 2024, we mark the tenth anniversary of the Stephen Beck, Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, which allows eligible people with disabilities to open a savings and investment account. ABLE investment growth is not taxable and is not countable income if the funds are used to pay for qualified disability expenses (QDEs).

The ABLE Act gives people with disabilities the opportunity to save and invest while maintaining eligibility for public benefits like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid, now or in the future. Historically, resource limits often made saving difficult for people living with a disability. ABLE accounts are one way to help bridge this gap, allowing savings for those extra costs without jeopardizing critical benefits.

Since the first ABLE program opened in 2016, ABLE account holders have saved over $2 billion in assets. As of 2024, more than 187,000 people with disabilities have opened an ABLE account, with an average of over $11,600 saved and invested in each account. ABLE participants can select from a range of options with different saving/investment limits to help them save for their personal needs. Despite this, only about three percent of ABLE-eligible individuals have opened an account. Research shows that a lack of knowledge about ABLE’s existence is the biggest barrier to participation.

ABLE accounts allow SSI recipients to hold significantly more resources (up to $100,000), which are not subject to the SSI asset limit.

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), exceeding the resource limit is one of the main causes of SSI overpayments. If more SSI recipients used ABLE accounts, many could avoid overpayments caused when their resources exceed $2,000 (and fewer recipients would be suspended, terminated, and need to be reinstated after spending down their excess resources).

Contributions to ABLE accounts are subject to annual and cumulative limits and are treated as gifts for federal gift tax purposes. Contributions deposited into an ABLE account do not replace benefits provided through private insurances, the Medicaid program, the SSI program, the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, the beneficiary’s employment, and other sources. Instead, and to the advantage of ABLE account participants, the funds supplement these benefits. ABLE accounts may offer savings, checking, and investment options. Funds in an ABLE account can be used to purchase qualified disability expenses, defined broadly by the IRS as something that helps the person stay healthy, independent, and have a good quality of life. Some examples include education, housing, transportation, training, funeral/burial expenses, basic living expenses, food, property taxes, rent/mortgage, and utilities. This provides flexibility for the usage of the ABLE funds, leaving it open to items or services that relate to the unique needs of each account owner.

At this time, to be eligible for an ABLE account, a person’s disability must have begun before the age of 26, although an ABLE account can be opened at any age. On January 1, 2026, the ABLE Age Adjustment Act will expand eligibility to include people who have a disability that began before age 46. This expansion will allow another six million people to be eligible for an ABLE account.

Some people may need assistance to open and manage their account and to reach their financial goals. The IRS provides a prioritized list of who may open an account on behalf of an eligible individual, starting with someone they select, followed by legal representatives, family members, and representative payees. An account opened by a representative payee appointed by the SSA must follow all Social Security account rules and regulations.

ABLE accounts promote independence and financial stability, enabling people with disabilities to save and plan for essential needs while accessing and retaining critical benefits. To learn more, refer to Social Security’s Red Book – A Guide To Work Incentives and Employment Supports for People Who Have a Disability and Spotlight on Achieving a Better Life Experience Accounts (ABLE).

This blog post is informational only and does not constitute financial advice or an endorsement of ABLE products or ABLE organizations by the Social Security Administration. There may be other financial options that could be a better fit for some individuals. You must use your best judgement to determine which option is best for your situation.


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World Athletics president pushing cross country for 2030 Olympics



It’s no secret that World Athletics president Seb Coe has ambitions to take over the International Olympic Committee (IOC) president position in the organization’s 2025 election. He looks to succeed Thomas Bach, who has served as president of the IOC for 12 years. Coe’s presidential manifesto pledges a clean and fair Olympics, and potentially the addition of some traditional summer and fall sports to the Winter program—including cross country.

During Coe’s year-end meeting with the media, he alluded to the need for the Winter Olympics to become “more accessible and open to new ideas.” The highest participation for the Winter Games was 93 countries at the 2018 Games in PyeongChang, South Korea, whereas the Paris 2024 Summer Games saw athletes from over 200 nations.

Seb Coe World Athletics 2022
2020 800m Olympic champion Athing Mu and World Athletics president Sebastian Coe at the 2022 World Athletics Championships in Eugene, Ore. Photo: Kevin Morris

To expand the global audience, Coe believes the addition of fall or indoor sports into the Winter program could attract athletes and viewers from regions of the world that might not have snow. Cross country (running) and cyclo-cross (cycling) are at the forefront of this push, offering the opportunity to expand the Winter Games without straying too far from its profile or mission.

Cross country has faltered on the World Athletics calendar since the pandemic. The 2023 championships held in Bathurst, Australia, were too late in the season (February, two months after the cross-country season), which made it a lengthy commitment of time and travel for any athlete. The 2024 meet, originally scheduled for Croatia on Feb. 10-11, was reassigned to Serbia on March 30 when it emerged that Croatia was not ready to host. Although Serbia did all it could on six months’ notice, the event was heavily criticized for its course, spectator-friendly experience, and timing, as it was held (again) well after the cross-country season.

Coe has made it clear, on multiple occasions, that he believes there is a place for cross country in the professional running calendar, but there needs to be a way to make it more attractive to fans. “I’m a great adherent of cross country, and I think it’s a really important part of the endurance paradigm,” said Coe. “But it needs help… it needs space.”

Andrew Davies
Andrew Davies breaks away from the field at the 2024 Canadian Cross Country Championships at Fanshawe Golf Course in London, Ont. Photo: GEOFF ROBINS Mundo Sport Images

The program for the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan-Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy is already set, but Coe is targeting the inclusion of the two sports by the 2030 and 2034 Olympics, which were awarded to the French Alps and Salt Lake City earlier this year.

If Coe is elected as the next president of the IOC in March 2025, he will vacate his current position as the head of World Athletics. The 68-year-old has served as World Athletics president since 2015 and was re-elected to a third (and final) four-year term in 2023. Coe was a two-time Olympic gold medalist during his own career and delivered the immensely popular London Olympics as chairman of the local organizing committee.


Mulled Wine Recipe – Love and Lemons



This mulled wine recipe is perfect for the holidays! Simmered with citrus, apple cider, and warming spices, it’s cozy, festive, and delicious.

Mulled wine

Jack and I love to make this mulled wine recipe during the holiday season. Packed with notes of citrus, apple, and aromatic spices, it’s cozy, flavorful, and festive. Sipping a steaming mug of it is the best way to warm up on a cold winter night.

This mulled wine is the perfect drink for holiday parties. For one, the recipe is easy to scale up or down depending on the size of your group. It also makes your kitchen smell amazing. The heady, spiced aroma on its own is reason enough to try it!

What is mulled wine?

Mulled wine is a hot wine drink made by simmering wine with spices and often a sweetener such as honey, maple syrup, or brown sugar.

Mulled wine has roots in ancient Rome and is now popular throughout Europe, especially during the holiday season and at Christmas markets. This boozy drink goes by many names. Depending on whether you’re in France, Sweden, or Austria, you might hear it called vin chaud, glogg, or glühwein. And the list of names goes on!

This festive beverage is widely enjoyed for a reason. Fruity and richly spiced, it’s warming, comforting, and delicious. Try it this holiday season!

Mulled wine recipe ingredients

Mulled Wine Ingredients

Here’s what you’ll need to make this mulled wine recipe:

  • Wine, of course! – Red is most traditional for mulled wine. I recommend using a medium to full-bodied red wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, or Syrah. No need to break the bank here. Because you’ll be adding so many other ingredients to the wine, an inexpensive—but still decent—bottle will work just fine.
  • Fresh oranges – I simmer the wine with orange juice and zest, and I always serve it with orange slices for garnish.
  • Apple cider – Instead of adding sugar to this recipe, I sweeten it naturally with apple cider. I love the way its sweet and tangy flavor plays off the spices, wine, and orange juice.
  • Mulling spices – Cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and star anise infuse the mulled wine with rich, warm flavor.
  • Ginger juice – I list it as optional (the recipe is still great without it!), but add it if you can. It gives the mulled wine a delicious spicy kick.
  • Festive garnishes – No, you don’t have to top your glass with fresh rosemary and cranberries, but I hope you do. 🙂 They make this mulled wine extra festive and pretty.

Find the complete recipe with measurements below.

Recipe Variations

  • Make it boozier. Many recipes call for brandy or orange liqueur in addition to wine. If you’d like yours to have a boozier kick, feel free to add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of either.
  • Try different spices. Toss in a few allspice berries or cardamom pods along with the cloves, cinnamon, and/or star anise.

Red wine in pot with orange peel, cloves, cinnamon, and star anise

How to Make Mulled Wine

This mulled wine recipe is easy to make! Here’s what you need to do:

First, prepare the orange. Use a vegetable peeler to slice 3 to 4 strips of zest off half an orange. Slice the other half into rounds, and reserve them for garnish.

Then, simmer. Squeeze the juice from the zested orange half into a medium saucepan. Add the wine, apple cider, orange peel, and spices. Bring the mixture to a low simmer over medium heat. Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Tip: Bring the wine to a simmer, but don’t let it boil! Doing so will cook off the alcohol.

Next, taste and adjust. The secret to making the best mulled wine is adjusting the flavor to your liking. Add the ginger juice, if using, and taste. If you want your wine sweeter, add more apple cider. If you want it more spiced, add extra cinnamon, cloves, and/or star anise and let it simmer on the stove for another 15 minutes.

Finally, strain and enjoy. Once you love the flavor, remove the spiced wine from the heat. Strain it to remove the spices, orange peel, and any separated apple cider solids. Pour into mugs, garnish, and enjoy!

Cheers, friends!


Mulled wine is best when it’s freshly made, so if you’re serving it for a gathering, I recommend making it right beforehand.

If you have leftovers, allow them to cool to room temperature. Then, seal them in an airtight container or jar and store them in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat gently on the stovetop.

Mulled wine recipe

More Favorite Holiday Drinks

Feeling festive? Celebrate the season with one of these holiday beverages next:

Mulled Wine

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Serves 6

Celebrate the holiday season with this mulled wine recipe! Simmered with orange, apple cider, and warming spices, this hot wine drink is packed with festive flavor.

Prevent your screen from going dark

  • Use a vegetable peeler to peel 3 to 4 strips of zest off half of the orange. Slice the remaining half into thin rounds and set aside for garnish.

  • In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine the red wine, apple cider, and the juice from the zested ½ orange. Add the orange zest, cloves, star anise, and cinnamon sticks. Bring to a simmer, then reduce the heat and simmer on low for 20 to 30 minutes. Be careful not to let it come to a boil.

  • Stir in the ginger juice, if using. Taste, and if you like your mulled wine sweeter, add more apple cider. If you like it more spiced, add more whole spices and simmer for 15 more minutes.

  • Remove from the heat, strain, and pour into a pitcher or mugs. Serve with the reserved orange rounds and cinnamon sticks. Garnish with rosemary sprigs and cranberries, if desired.


Elección de Trump y desafíos legales retrasan las inscripciones en el Obamacare



Las nuevas inscripciones bajo la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio (ACA) parecen ser hasta un millón menos que el  número récord del año pasado, especialmente por problemas con el programa que enfrenta la saliente administración Biden.

La reelección de Donald Trump para un segundo mandato ha generado incertidumbre sobre el futuro de la ley de salud. Además, el gobierno implementó normas complejas para reducir las inscripciones fraudulentas y está combatiendo una demanda que busca evitar que un grupo de inmigrantes sin residencia legal adquieran cobertura en los mercados de seguros de salud.

Hasta ahora, el número de nuevos inscritos y reinscritos que utilizan, el sitio del mercado federal que usan 31 estados, está por debajo del año pasado. A principios de diciembre, las nuevas inscripciones apenas superaban las 730,000, en comparación con 1.5 millones en el mismo período de 2023.

Para dar más tiempo a los consumidores de los estados del mercado federal para inscribirse, los Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) extendieron hasta el 18 de diciembre el plazo para adquirir cobertura que comienza el 1 de enero. (El plazo del 15 de enero es para la que comenzaría el 1 de febrero).

También está en juego una regla emitida por la administración Biden que permite, por primera vez, que los Dreamers, las personas traídas al país de niños sin papeles, puedan inscribirse en los mercados y obtener subsidios.

El 9 de diciembre, un juez federal de Dakota del Norte falló a favor de 19 estados que buscaban bloquear esta directiva de la administración Biden.

El 16, el equipo de Biden obtuvo una suspensión temporal, pero el destino de esta opción todavía está por verse.

De prevalecer, la decisión en este caso, Kansas vs Estados Unidos, efectivamente prohíbiría a quienes han calificado para el programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) inscribirse o recibir subsidios para los planes de ACA en los 19 estados. Según los abogados que siguen el caso, no parece afectar la inscripción o la cobertura en otros estados.

Se espera una decisión final sobre la suspensión temporal en cualquier momento. Si se concede, podría permitir que los Dreamers sigan inscribiéndose mientras se escucha la apelación del gobierno a la decisión del tribunal de distrito, lo cual es poco probable que ocurra antes de que Trump asuma el cargo.

En sus documentos judiciales, la administración Biden argumenta que no conceder una suspensión sería muy disruptivo en medio del período de inscripción abierta, lo que causaría que el gobierno federal incurra en costos para reajustar su mercado para reflejar el cambio y notificar a aquellos que ya se han inscrito que sus planes han sido cancelados.

El caso original fue presentado en agosto en el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito de Dakota del Norte y está siendo escuchado por el juez de distrito Daniel Traynor, nominado en 2019 por el entonces presidente Trump.

Previamente, el gobierno federal estimó que alrededor de 100,000 personas sin seguro de un total de medio millón de beneficiarios de DACA podrían inscribirse para tener cobertura de 2025. En su nuevo escrito, el gobierno dice que 2,700 se han inscrito en los estados que presentaron la demanda y que usan el mercado federal.

La regla de la administración Biden, finalizada en mayo, aclaró que quienes califican para DACA serían considerados “legalmente presentes” para los propósitos de inscribirse en planes bajo ACA, los cuales están abiertos a ciudadanos y aquellos denominados inmigrantes “legalmente presentes”.

Los abogados federales argumentan que Dakota del Norte no ha demostrado que sería perjudicado por la regla, por lo que no tiene legitimidad para presentar el caso. El estado argumentó que incurre en costos para aproximadamente 130 beneficiarios de DACA que viven allí, y que no tendría esos gastos si se les prohibiera inscribirse en ACA y, por lo tanto, decidieran abandonar el país.

Por su parte, el gobierno federal argumentó que un éxodo es poco probable. El escrito legal también cuestionó el cálculo de Dakota del Norte de que incurre en costos de $585 para emitir licencias de conducir a los beneficiarios de DACA y alrededor de $14,000 anuales para educar al menos a un miembro o dependiente de DACA.

Todos los estados que impugnan esta regla argumentan que causará cargas administrativas y económicas a medida que más individuos se inscriban, y que alentará a más personas a permanecer en Estados Unidos sin documentos.

Los estados demandantes son: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Dakota del Norte, Ohio, Carolina del Sur, Dakota del Sur, Tennessee, Texas y Virginia.

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at KFF—an independent source of health policy research, polling, and journalism. Learn more about KFF.


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