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Introducing The Ritchey Comp Buzzard Bar: The Fun Begins!


 Ritchey has been busy over the weekend trying to take your adventures to the next level. Yes! you heard it right. The new Ritchey Comp Buzzard Bar is here and it certainly is worth the mention. It’s perfect for off-road riding, bikepacking, and all-day riding. 

Ritchey HandlebarRitchey Handlebar
Credits @RITCHEY

What’s New?

The Comp Buzzard is not like the typical handlebars in the market. It has a 70mm flat rise which supports a more upright riding position. If you have a bike with a lower stack height, the handlebar will help lift off the pressure from your wrists due to the rise. It also helps you have a better vision of the path ahead. 

All the features of the handlebar are extremely practicle for instance, the 820mm width. With this, you have a good control over rougher tracks and not to mention the extra space you have to fasten bags and accessories. 

Tech DrawingTech Drawing
Credits @RITCHEY


Here are the tech specs:

Feature Specs
Material Double-butted 6061 alloy
Width 820mm
Rise 70mm flat rise
Backsweep 27.5°
Clamp diameter 31.8mm
Bar-end compatible Yes
Weight 367g
Color BB black

The bar is available at Ritchey for jusr $49.95!

Featured Image Via

Also Read: Cyclist Fighting For Life After Developing A Saddle Sore!

Should you have any questions or require further clarification on the topic, please feel free to connect with our expert author Lalarukh Baber by leaving a comment below. We value your engagement and are here to assist you.

Is EMOM the Most Efficient Method of Training?


Time: You don’t have a lot of it to spare, but you can’t exercise without spending it. You could rush between exercises like the Tasmanian Devil — and risk injury. You could cut your workout short — and miss out on important movements. Or you could choose a workout where working against the clock is built into the program.

That would be the every-minute-on-the-minute, or EMOMapproach. It’s a challenging, scalable, and surprisingly fun take on standard-issue strength training.

Here’s how to put EMOM workouts to work for you, whatever your goals may be.

What Are EMOM Workouts?

Image of Two Athletes Doing Push Ups | EMOM Workouts

In an EMOM workout, you exercise in one-minute blocks. In each block, you perform a predetermined number of reps of a given move, and then rest the remainder of that minute.

This approach emphasizes work density, or the amount of work you can perform in a set time period.

In a normal strength-training program, 10 reps of squats might take you 10 seconds, or it might take you 50 seconds. But in an EMOM workout, you’re on the clock the whole time, and speed (without losing form!) is of the essence. That incentivizes moving efficiently and quickly and guarantees that both your muscles and your cardiovascular system get a killer workout.

“I also love the EMOM approach because it’s so easy to vary the intensity,” says Jolie Kobrinsky, RKC, TRX, owner of Elektren Studio in Seaside, CA. “Everyone from an elite athlete to a senior trainee can do the same workout in the same amount of time.”

And by adjusting the load, exercises, rep patterns, and workout structure, you can adjust the EMOM approach for nearly any fitness goal, whether you’re aiming for greater strength, bigger muscles, less fat, or greater speed and athleticism.

Benefits of EMOM Workouts

Here are some of the ways EMOM workouts will change the way you train and help you push your boundaries.

1. Efficiency

Few workout templates are as efficient as EMOM. You have no choice but to follow the clock, eliminating wasted time between sets (or circuits) and exercises. Even if you have just 12 minutes to work out, you can put together an EMOM workout that uses every second of that time effectively.

2. Cardiovascular conditioning

Traditional strength training is usually performed at a relatively slow pace — you complete a set, rest for a few minutes, and then repeat. When you’re on the clock, you don’t get the luxury of waiting until you’re ready for your next set. When it’s go time, you go.

That ensures that your heart rate stays elevated the whole workout, helping you burn more calories as you challenge and increase the efficiency of your entire cardiovascular system.

3. Improved work capacity

Increasing strength and power are worthy goals — and you can accomplish both with EMOM — but the EMOM approach is also a particularly effective way to increase work capacity (i.e., the amount of work you can complete in a given amount of time), which is another key aspect of fitness and one that’s often neglected.

How to Structure an EMOM Workout

Image of Athlete Doing Box Jumps | EMOM Workouts

There are many different ways to design an EMOM workout (e.g., straight sets of the same exercise, supersets that pair different exercises, etc.), but it works particularly well for circuit training.

  • Select a series of exercises, determine your rep count for each move based on your fitness goal, and decide how many times you’ll repeat the circuit (more on how to determine rep counts and circuit rounds below).
  • Structure your circuit so that you alternate either upper and lower body moves (e.g., back squat and biceps curl) or moves that target muscles on the front and back of your body (e.g., dumbbell chest press and bent over row).
  • Set a timer — ideally one you can set to beep at the top of each minute — and press start. There are several interval-timer apps available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store — we like SmartWOD and Interval Timer.
  • At the top of the first minute, perform the predetermined number of reps of your first exercise. Rest for the remainder of the minute.
  • At the top of the next minute, perform the predetermined number of reps for your next move, resting for the remainder of the minute.
  • Repeat the process until you’ve completed all of the exercises in the circuit, and then begin the circuit again.

Angelo Poli, SPN, ISSA, owner of Whole Body Fitness in Chico, California, points out that most people start off strong in an EMOM workout, completing the work portion of each set in 20 seconds or less, thus earning a leisurely 40-second break.

But as the workout goes on, fatigue accumulates, and the work-rest ratio flips: “Suddenly you’re taking 40 seconds to complete the reps, which means you only get 20 seconds of rest,” he says. “Before long, your rest periods drop to almost zero. By the end of the workout, you’re on the floor, exhausted!”

Types of EMOM workouts

Follow these tips to structure an EMOM workout based on different fitness goals.

EMOM for strength

Woman Does Bench Press | EMOM Workouts

If strength is your goal, choose compound (multi-joint) movements (e.g., bench press, bent-over row, pull-up, lunge, squat), and do four to five rounds of your circuit using relatively heavy loads and low reps (three to five) for each move.

EMOM for athleticism

Woman Does Kettlebell Swings Outside | EMOM Workouts

Choose full-body, explosive movements (e.g., split jump, dumbbell snatch, T-pushup, kettlebell swing), and perform three to four rounds of your circuit using of four to eight reps with moderate loads for each move.

EMOM for fat loss

Woman Does Mountain Climbers Outside | EMOM Workouts

Choose high-intensity, full-body movements (e.g., dumbbell swing, lunge to press, mountain climber, burpee) using lighter loads for higher reps (12 to 15) and more rounds (four to five).

EMOM for muscle growth

Woman Does Pull Ups in Gym | EMOM Workouts

Choose compound moves and use moderate loads and reps (three to four rounds of your circuit with 8 to 12 reps per move).

How to Make an EMOM Workout Easier (or Harder)

One of the best features of EMOM is its scalability, or how easily you can adjust the intensity to suit any level of fitness. “There are four primary ways to vary intensity,” says Poli. “Increase or decrease the load, reps, exercise difficulty, or rest periods. Decreasing that last one is my favorite — mostly because it makes things so diabolically difficult!”

Weekly Meal Plan 4.7.24 –


By utilizing a weekly meal plan, you can ensure you and your family are maintaining healthy eating habits, exploring new recipes, and ultimately — saving time (and money!) in the grocery store and kitchen each week.

Did You Know?

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Once you save the collection below, click here to access your saved collections!

Weekly Meal Plan

Grocery Costs

  • Crockpot Lasagna Soup: $19.67
  • Baked Salmon with Sauteed Spinach: $25.75
  • Indian Butter Chicken: $15.56
  • Egg Fried Rice with Baked Tofu: $9.64
  • Butternut Squash Pasta: $11.96

Please note the grocery costs are only an estimate based on the recipe’s serving size and on ingredient prices of a local grocery store. The generated shopping list above includes items like spices and other pantry staples you most likely have on hand, so we have left them out of the grocery estimate. To keep costs down and streamline groceries, refer to any Meal Plan Suggestions listed in blue above.


How to Save Recipes | How to Create a Meal Plan | How to Use Shopping Lists | How to Customize Pre-Made Meal Plans

An Easier Way to Save

With our FREE service, you can save recipes, swap out recipes, and customize your meal plan! Register here and get started today, or log in to see your saved recipes. ENJOY!

Weekly Meal Plan Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Sign Up to Receive Weekly Meal Plans?

Click here to sign up to receive our Weekly Meal Plans straight to your inbox each Sunday. You’ll need to create an account to save them to your recipe box.

I Have a Big Family – Can I Adjust How Many People I am Planning For?

Yes! Our Weekly Meal Plans are created with a family of 4 in mind. To adjust this to fit the needs of your family, simply press the “+” or “-” symbols underneath each dish to adjust the servings amounts. Doing this will also automatically update your shopping list. You can also adjust serving amounts in the shopping list. For help with this, click here for tutorials. Still stuck? Reach out to us at

How Do I Access My Previously-Saved Recipes?

Access your recipes here, or navigate to My Recipes in the site menu bar.

Why Should I Meal Plan?

Do you ever catch yourself asking “what should we have for dinner?” multiple times a week? By utilizing our Healthy Meal Plans – ask no more! Meal planning for yourself and a family can be a burdensome task, so let us help! When you follow a weekly meal plan, you can streamline your groceries, use up leftovers in a timely manner, maintain healthy (but delicious!) eating habits, and save time and money each week.

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Bhujapidasana | Shoulder-Press Pose, Arm-Pressure Pose-Nexoye


Bhujapidasana (Shoulder-Pressing Pose or Arm-Pressure Pose) Steps

1)- Start by standing with your feet a bit wider than your hips in a squatting position. This is like getting ready to sit down. Doing this helps make sure you’re steady and balanced when you do the Bhujapidasana pose. It’s like finding a strong and stable base before you start.

2)- Now bend down a bit and put your hands on the mat, keeping them as far apart as your shoulders. Put your fingers wide open on the mat to make your hands strong and give a good base for the pose. It’s like making your hands really strong and steady to help you do the pose well.

3)- Lift your hips up and straighten your legs while standing on your tiptoes. This makes your leg muscles work together, getting ready for the next part where you lift off the ground. It’s like doing a little dance with your legs to get ready for the big jump

4)- Bend your elbows on purpose and bring your knees close to the backs of your upper arms, just above the elbows. This part needs both strength and flexibility, like a team working together. Your body and breath need to work smoothly, like a dance where everything fits perfectly.

5)- Now, lean forward, making your body move over your hands. Squeeze your tummy muscles to lift your feet off the ground. This helps you balance in Bhujapidasana, like doing a gentle dance. Look straight ahead to stay focused and concentrated.

6)- Once you’re balanced in the pose, enjoy the moment. Stay in Bhujapidasana for a few breaths, feeling the calm and peaceful part of the pose. Let your breath and movements work together to make your practice even better. It’s like reaching new heights in your yoga.

Tamale Pie Recipe | Diethood


This tamale pie recipe is destined to become a favorite. It features a smoky, cheesy filling loaded with ground beef, corn, green chilis, and a touch of sour cream. The filling is topped off with a tamale-inspired masa crust and baked until it achieves a perfect golden brown topping.

These easy Tex-Mex casseroles are a guaranteed hit with my entire family. Whenever I’m in need of a delicious dinner, I opt for classic options like King Ranch Chicken Casserole, Taco Casserole, or my personal favorite, Salsa Verde Chicken and Rice Casserole.

Overhead image of tamale pie in a skillet near jalapenos, sour cream, and cheddar cheese.Overhead image of tamale pie in a skillet near jalapenos, sour cream, and cheddar cheese.

Tamales have this awesome nostalgic vibe for me. You know, that warm, meaty goodness all snuggled up in a savory, kinda sweet masa? It’s just unbeatable! Enter this tamale pie: it’s like all the cozy feels of ground beef, corn, cheddar, and veggies, all hanging out in this smoky, earthy tamale sauce. Then, it’s all about that golden, cheesy masa harina crust on top that delivers all the tamale texture and flavor without the wrap. Seriously, I can’t stop digging into it.

Why You’ll Love This Tamale Pie Recipe

  • Great Flavors. The combination of the smoky enchilada sauce, the savory ground beef, and the unique mild sweetness of the masa harina topping is top-notch. The flavors will warm you up from the inside out and have you coming back for your second bite real quick.
  • One skillet meal. Aside from the bowl you’ll need to whisk together the ingredients for the masa topping, this recipe only requires one skillet, so cleanup is incredibly easy.
  • Great for leftovers. I promise this tamale pie is even better the next day. The flavors get a chance to meld together and deepen. Make it ahead of time and enjoy it as the week goes on.

What You’ll Need

Grocery shopping time! Buckle up and head to your favorite market. Here are all the ingredients you will need to grab to make this easy tamale pie.

For the filling

  • Olive oil – Used for sauteing the veggies and beef. You can use any neutral cooking oil here.
  • Veggies – Onion, red bell pepper (any color will do), and garlic.
  • Ground beef – I prefer 80/20, but leaner beef will work as well. You can also make this recipe using ground chicken, turkey, or pork. “Beyond Meat” would be a great option for vegetarians.
  • Canned corn – Frozen corn will also do the trick. Just make sure to thaw the corn completely and pat it dry.
  • Mild enchilada sauce – If you enjoy spice, feel free to select a spicier enchilada sauce.
  • Canned diced green chilis
  • Salt and Black Pepper: To enhance the flavors of the dish.
  • Sour cream – The sour cream adds a lovely tangy richness to the filling.
  • Shredded cheddar cheese – Pepper jack or crumbled Cojita cheese are also okay to use.

For the topping

  • Masa harina – This is a relatively coarse flour made from dried corn kernels.
  • Baking powder – The baking powder gives the perfect rise to the topping.
  • Seasoning – Salt, smoked paprika, and ground cumin.
  • Chicken broth – Vegetable or beef broth are acceptable substitutes.
  • Melted butter
  • Canned corn – Feel free to use frozen corn instead, but thaw it and pat it dry first.
  • Shredded cheddar cheese

How To Make Tamale Pie

My recipe for tamale pie with masa is quite simple to make. Follow this step-by-step guide, from sautéing onions and bell peppers to baking a golden cornmeal crust, to make this delicious homemade comfort dish!

  1. Prep. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  2. Saute the veggies. Heat the olive oil in an oven-safe skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion and bell pepper and saute until the onion is translucent. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant.
  3. Brown the beef. Add the beef to the skillet and cook until golden brown and cooked through, crumbling it as you go.
  4. Add some flavor. Stir in the corn, enchilada sauce, and green chilis. Season with salt and pepper as desired.
  5. Make it cheesy. Stir in the sour cream and cheese. Cook until the cheese has melted. Turn the heat off.
  6. Make the topping. Whisk together the masa, baking powder, seasonings, chicken broth, and butter until smooth. Fold in the corn and cheddar cheese.
  7. Assemble. Spread the topping over the contents of the oven-safe skillet.
  8. Bake. Bake for 40 minutes.
Tamale pie in a skillet with a spoon scooping out a slice.Tamale pie in a skillet with a spoon scooping out a slice.

  • Select an oven-safe skillet. Because you will be baking the tamale pie in the same skillet you make the filling in, be sure to use an oven safe skillet such as a cast iron.
  • Don’t crowd the pan. When cooking the beef, it is important not to crowd the pan so the beef browns and not steams. I used a 14-inch skillet, which accommodated everything perfectly.
  • Drain. Fully drain the corn and green chilis before adding them to the mix.
  • Toothpick test. Insert a toothpick into the topping of the pie to make sure it’s cooked through. Just into the topping – not the filling. If the toothpick comes out with just a few crumbs, it’s done. If the batter is clinging to it, you need to bake the pie for a bit longer.
  • Turn up the heat. If you like spice, I suggest selecting a medium or spicy enchilada sauce and/or sauteing a seeded and diced jalapeno along with the onion and bell pepper. You could also add a bit of cayenne to the batter for the topping.
  • Try a different protein. You can easily substitute ground turkey or chicken for this recipe. If you don’t eat meat, try Impossible Meat.
  • Fun mix-ins. Consider adding 1/2 cup black beans to the filling. More sauteed veggies are great, too.
  • Experiment with cheese. I love the cheddar here but pepper jack would be fun as well. So would crumbled Cojita.

Serving Suggestions

In keeping with the Mexican theme, I love serving a slice of tamale pie with some good ol’ fashioned rice and beans.

A slice of tamale pie on a plate with a dollop of sour cream on top.A slice of tamale pie on a plate with a dollop of sour cream on top.

Proper Storage

  • To store. Let the tamale pie cool completely before storing it away in an airtight container. You can keep it in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months.
  • To reheat. Transfer the leftovers to the fridge to thaw (if frozen) before arranging slices in a single layer in a baking dish. Cover and bake for 20 minutes at 350°F or until heated through. Alternatively, microwave a slice or two in 30-second intervals until warm.

More Mexican-Inspired Dinner Ideas

Prep Time 15 minutes

Cook Time 55 minutes

Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes

  • Prep. Preheat the oven to 400°F.

  • Saute the veggies. Heat the olive oil over medium-high heat in a 14-inch oven-safe, heavy-bottomed skillet. Add the onion and bell pepper to the pan. Saute for 3 to 4 minutes or until the onion is translucent. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant.

  • Brown the beef. Add the ground beef to the skillet and cook until browned and cooked through, breaking it apart with a wooden spoon as you go.

  • Add some flavor. Stir in half of the corn, enchilada sauce, and green chilis. Give it a taste and season with salt and pepper as needed.

  • Make it cheesy. Stir in the sour cream and 1 cup cheddar cheese and cook until the cheddar has melted. Turn the heat off and set aside.

  • Make the topping. In a large bowl, whisk together the masa, baking powder, salt, smoked paprika, cumin, chicken broth, and melted butter until smooth. Fold in the remaining corn and cheddar cheese.

  • Assemble. Spread the masa topping over the contents in the skillet.

  • Bake. Pop the tamale pie in the oven and bake for 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the masa topping comes out mostly clean.

  • Serve. Remove it from the oven and let the pie rest for 8 to 10 minutes before serving.

Serving: 10 ounces | Calories: 415 kcal | Carbohydrates: 31 g | Protein: 25 g | Fat: 22 g | Saturated Fat: 11 g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2 g | Monounsaturated Fat: 7 g | Trans Fat: 1 g | Cholesterol: 87 mg | Sodium: 843 mg | Potassium: 590 mg | Fiber: 4 g | Sugar: 6 g | Vitamin A: 1241 IU | Vitamin C: 20 mg | Calcium: 195 mg | Iron: 4 mg

Nutritional info is an estimate and provided as courtesy. Values may vary according to the ingredients and tools used. Please use your preferred nutritional calculator for more detailed info.

Cisco Access Points among the First to Be Standard-Power Certified by the FCC


It’s an exciting time in the world of Wi-Fi. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) recently approved Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) for service providers. Adding to this momentum, the FCC granted standard-power certification to a range of Cisco Wireless Wi-Fi 6E access points. This means you’ll be able to take full advantage of the 6 GHz band to support your wireless-first strategy. But what exactly is AFC and standard power, who requires it, and how can it benefit you and your organization?

6 GHz regulation, standard power, and AFC

The FCC and other regulators around the world have rules around how the 6 GHz band is used. The primary consideration is the protection of incumbent operators in the 6 GHz spectrum. Until now, 6 GHz Wi-Fi was limited to low-power indoor use cases to avoid interference with other operators, such as fixed satellite and broadcast services. To enable standard power use in the 6 GHz band, there was a need to agree on governance over how the 6 GHz spectrum is used.

The recent decision by the FCC to approve AFC now gives us the ability to deploy 6 GHz using standard power for indoor, outdoor, and external antenna use cases. This is a significant development that allows us to utilize all that the 6 GHz band has to offer. And with the United States and the FCC taking the lead, other countries are bound to follow suit.

How does AFC work?

According to a Cisco whitepaper on 6 GHz regulations, the FCC has set up a framework where organizations can offer AFC as a service. This AFC service will dictate how much power an unlicensed 6 GHz-capable device can transmit on any given channel, or whether the device will be allowed to send at all. Without AFC, incumbents could face interference, which would degrade their ability to communicate within the 6 GHz band.

Using standard power requires the AFC to know the location of the access point. All Cisco Wi-Fi 6E access points, regardless of the stack, can support GPS/GNSS or use geo-location propagation techniques for location determination. Using this location data, the AFC system queries an FCC database to identify incumbents in the vicinity of the 6 GHz signal. If incumbents exist, the AFC will automatically block certain channels or reduce power to parts of the spectrum.

The Cisco AFC solution interfaces with AFC cloud services, per FCC requirements, and provides administrators with granular visibility into the available spectrum and channels, as well as the power allocation for each.

AFC is simple to configure via the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller or with the Meraki dashboard.

AFC status monitoring on the Meraki dashboard

Figure 1. AFC status monitoring on the Meraki dashboard.


Standard-power configuration in the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller

Figure 2. Standard-power configuration in the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller.

The need for standard power

Why would anyone need standard power? There are several reasons, but the main purpose is to broadcast Wi-Fi in the 6 GHz band with more power in both outdoor and indoor areas. This includes indoor locations with lofty ceilings and large open environments. Additionally, outdoor areas can now broadcast in the 6 GHz band, which is only allowed in standard-power mode. The overall goal is to provide reliable, fast, and uninterrupted services to users.

Let’s talk about a few examples. Think about outdoor areas at resorts and sports stadiums and how they connect guests to point-of-sale systems, ticketing, and more. Another example is in manufacturing. Imagine a factory floor with automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) connected reliably over distance.

To learn more about 6 GHz Wi-Fi in manufacturing, make sure to register for this upcoming webinar.

Healthcare is another example—massive buildings with long hallways and soaring atriums as well as large outdoor spaces. Doctors, staff, and patients need to remain connected to ensure quality care and access to resources.

Adventist Health, a Cisco customer, weighed in on the announcement. “We’re excited about certification for AFC and standard power. With standard power, we can extend 6 GHz Wi-Fi across our campuses,” said Ed Vanderpool, Senior Network Manager at Adventist Health. “This will provide our caregivers, staff, and patients the speed and quality of 6 GHz Wi-Fi wherever they chose to roam, with jitter-free voice and video communications, fast access to critical data files, and reliable access to cloud applications. When it comes to Wi-Fi and the recent FCC certifications, we trust Cisco for its reliability, capability, and innovation.”

Register for our 6 GHz webinar with Adventist Health here.

Additionally, with standard power 6 GHz Wi-Fi, mobile service providers can densify and extend 5G with powerful and reliable Wi-Fi when and where available. Likewise, retail, education, government, smart buildings, smart cities, and more can take advantage of standard power 6 GHz wireless to improve connectivity and deliver applications at higher speeds with enhanced security, both indoor and outdoor. Quality wireless is a mission-critical service for all these industries.

Wi-Fi 6E, Wi-Fi 7, and beyond

Cisco has the most comprehensive Wi-Fi 6E portfolio on the market, and as we see Wi-Fi 7 standards emerge, we’ll continue to gain even more capabilities to support a growing number of use cases. Wi-Fi 7 builds on the work we have done in Wi-Fi 6E and will take full advantage of AFC to enable the full power of the 6 GHz band.

One of my team members and fellow wireless product marketers, Stefani Johnson, mentioned in her recent blog post that, “Wi-Fi 7 presents an opportunity to land an exceptionally differentiated customer experience, increased revenue and efficiency, and reduced time-to-value for digital initiatives.”

Cisco Wireless expert Anand Gurumurthy also writes about Wi-Fi 7 and says in his latest post, “[Wi-Fi 7] offers super low latency, more robust connection, higher spectral efficiency, better interference mitigation, more power-saving techniques, better roaming experiences, and increased security.”

With an unprecedented number of devices connecting to today’s wireless networks, along with anticipated growth, we are seeing a transformational shift in connectivity across the places we work, shop, and live. It’s in this uber-connected wireless-first world that 6 GHz Wi-Fi and the next generation of applications are driving a new wireless reality.

We have AFC now, it’s time to start dreaming up new use cases. Look at your needs, evaluate your network, and see how you can benefit from standard-power Wi-Fi 6E.


To learn more about the Cisco Wi-Fi 6E portfolio, visit the Cisco Wireless product page


A Must-Watch TedX Talk on Hearing Loss — Blog


Hearing loss advocacy hits TEDx!

Congratulations to HLAA adviser and hearing loop advocate Juliëtte Sterkens, Au.D. Her TEDxOshkosh talk, Hearing Loss: Beyond Hearing Aids, has over 225k views on the national TEDx Talks YouTube channel and views continue to grow! In the 18-minute talk, Juliëtte explains what it is like to listen with hearing aids and details many of the advanced technologies that help make understanding speech easier in a variety of challenging listening situations.

The talk is a must-watch for people with hearing loss and their families, and also for key decision-makers in government and managers of public spaces around the world.

Juliëtte Sterkens is a Tireless Advocate

Juliëtte Sterkens, AuD, is an audiologist with forty years of experience in hearing rehabilitation turned consumer advocate with the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA). She has published numerous articles and has lectured internationally to consumers, audiologists, hearing instrument specialists, and venue operators on the importance of telecoils and other assistive listening technologies.

Among many honors, she has been awarded the Wisconsin Audiologist of the Year, the American Academy of Audiology (AAA) Presidential Award, the Humanitarian of the Year Award from the Arizona School of Health Sciences, and the Larry Mauldin Award from Beltone. Her tireless advocacy has helped loop a growing list of venues across the United States and around the world.

TEDx Brings TED Talks to Local Markets

TEDx is a grassroots initiative, that brings the spirit of TED to local communities around the globe. Organized by individuals in each market, TEDx events include live speakers and recorded talks inspired by the vision and guidelines set out by TED.

The TEDx application process is rigorous and the required preparation for each talk can be daunting. First, the script must be finalized. Then there are hours of memorizing and rehearsing because once the script is finalized, you cannot deviate from it during your talk. Challenging work, but also impactful.

Watch and Share

Juliëtte’s talk has already inspired news articles and press coverage. And it has generated more than 225,000 views at the time of this writing. We expect this number will continue to grow, with your help!

Watch her talk below and please share it so others can hear her important message.

YouTube Poster

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Book: Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss

Top 4 Walking With Weight Tips


Walking is finally getting the respect it deserves.

Yes, walking. It’s a low-cost and accessible form of exercise. But more importantly, it helps you live longer, promotes mental health, and makes for a healthier heart.

If you’re an avid walker and ready to take it up a notch, there’s a simple way to unlock even more health benefits: walking with weights.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of weighted walking and a few tips for getting in a productive walking workout.

Does Walking With Weights Burn More Calories?

So, does carrying weights while walking really burn more calories than regular walking? The simple answer is yes.

Let’s break it down:

  • Calories are a measure of energy.
  • Energy expenditure, or caloric expenditure, is the energy your body uses to maintain essential body functions.
  • Your total energy expenditure is determined by your body weight and composition — or resting energy expenditure — and physical activity.

And adding extra weight while walking means your body is working harder and using more energy — giving you a good calorie burn.

Sounds pretty easy, right? Is it safe, too? Let’s take a look.

Key Considerations When Walking With Weights

To do it safely, it’s not as simple as slipping on hand or ankle weights and hitting the pavement.

Completing a walking with weights workout can be risky. We’re talking potential injuries, back pain, or even a rise in blood pressure.

Of course, we recommend consulting your doctor before adding weights to walking, especially if you have a pre-existing health condition.
But if you have the green light and you’re ready to take your walking game to the next level, here are a few precautions you should take.

Use the right type and amount of weight

Before we get into the nitty gritty of each type of weight, let’s talk about how much weight you should carry while walking. Whether you’re using hand weights or ankle weights, don’t add more than 1% or 2% of your body weight.

If you’re a newbie, start with one-pound weights. If you’re a more advanced walker and ready for heavier weights, go big and grab the three-pounders.

So, what’s the best type of weight to carry during walking?

Using hand or ankle weights is your best bet. But it’s not without its risks.

Walking with dumbbells or hand weights can create a muscle imbalance and cause injuries in your wrists, elbows, shoulders, and neck.

Walking with ankle weights poses a similar challenge, and it all comes down to muscle activation. In this case, weighted walking activates your quads more than your hamstrings, taking a toll on your knees, hips, and back over time.

For both methods, the trick is to keep the weight light and maintain controlled and steady movements.

Limit your workout time

Don’t be fooled: Walking with weights is a heart-pumping cardio workout. And it should be treated as such.

That means starting small. If you’re just starting out, don’t wear your ankle weights for an extended period. Start with 10 to 15 minutes each day and gradually increase your time. As with any exercise program, doing too much too soon can lead to sore muscles and overuse injuries.

Keep your form in check

It all starts with the right posture. Bad posture while carrying additional weight can make you tire more quickly and even lead to common walking injuries.

Before you take your first step, make sure you’re standing tall, relaxing your shoulders, and focusing your gaze on the horizon.

Once you’re on the move, make sure you have proper form by:

  • Swinging from your shoulders
  • Keeping your head and neck aligned
  • Tightening your abs
  • Striking heel-first

And like other forms of cardiovascular exercise, your nutrition plays a major role in how your body responds to a walking-with-weights workout.

Top 4 Nutrition Tips To Support Walking With Weight Routines

1. Make sure you have the appropriate pre-workout meal

You can’t walk 60+ minutes with your stomach on E, especially when you’re carrying extra weight. But carb-loading isn’t the answer, either.
The best meals to eat before longer cardio workouts, like a longer weighted walk, include a good balance of macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These meals should be eaten at least two to three hours before exercising.

But if you need an energy boost before your workout, find a snack with more simple carbohydrates (carbs that are easier to digest) than proteins or fats — and eat it about 30 to 60 minutes before your walk.

Try these nutrient-packed snack ideas to fuel your weighted walk:

  • Bagel with peanut butter
  • Banana or apple
  • Granola bar
  • Dried fruit

If your walk is less than an hour, stick to your normal eating patterns: it’s up to you whether you walk in a fed or fasted state.

2. Stay hydrated during your walking routine

If your weighted walk lasts less than an hour, carrying a water bottle is your best option. But water might not cut it for your more intense workouts, like a walk that lasts longer than an hour. Sports drinks are great for a walking workout in a hot or humid environment, as they help replenish what you lose during those workouts — like water, energy (glucose), sodium, and potassium — and even help you stay at it longer.

This is how often — and how much — you should hydrate for more intense and longer duration exercises, per The American Council on


  • 17 to 20 ounces two hours before exercising
  • 7 to 10 ounces every 10 to 20 minutes while exercising
  • 8 ounces no more than 30 minutes after exercising

For a shorter, low-intensity walk, normal hydration patterns are best. For women, the amount of total water is about 11.5 cups per day, and for men, about 15.5 cups.

3. Enjoy a recovery meal at the appropriate time

The work doesn’t stop once the walk is over. Now it’s time to refuel your body with healthy carbs and proteins to replenish your energy (glucose) and repair your muscle tissue.

Here are some post-workout snack and meal ideas for a low-impact exercise like weighted walking:

  • Avocado toast with smoked salmon
  • Bowl of high-fiber, low-sugar cereal
  • Oatmeal with yogurt and berries
  • Scrambled eggs with spinach

Just be sure to refuel within two hours of your workout to reap the full benefits.

4. Consider including a smoothie for a post–walking workout meal

Maybe a short, low-intensity walking workout isn’t cutting it. If you opt for a longer weighted walk, drinking a smoothie with protein for an alternative post–workout meal is an easy way to speed up recovery and repair tired muscles.

Just be sure to drink the smoothie right after your workout to quickly replenish your energy and refuel those tired muscles.

Gain Extra Benefits From Your Exercise Routines With MyFitnessPal

If you’re ready to elevate your walking routine, add weights!

And if you’re really serious about reaching your health goals — whether it’s losing weight or getting stronger — track your steps with MyFitnessPal. If you wear a wearable watch or activity monitor during your workout, calories burned will be automatically added to your daily food logging diary. Learn more about tracking exercise and calories burned.

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Over 6 million people secure Jan 1, 2024 healthcare coverage through HealthSherpa (OE24 through 12/15/23) – HealthSherpa Blog


As of December 15th, HealthSherpa has helped over 6.1 million people secure affordable healthcare coverage that will begin on January 1st, 2024.

This is the highest in company history and indicates both significant growth in the ACA Marketplace and the important contribution made by agents and brokers using the HealthSherpa ACA enrollment platform.

OEP Insights for Nov 1 – Dec 15, 2023

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*HealthSherpa data shows active plan selections from November 1 through December 15, 2023. Data listed represent federal marketplace states only and are accurate to +/- 5%.

Bright Citrus Health Benefits + Citrus Recipes


Open your eyes to bright and promising citrus health benefits with this guide to citrus nutrition, citrus cooking tips, a citrus fruits list, and lots of healthy citrus recipes.

Is there nothing better than the bright flavor, aroma, and color of citrus in your kitchen? Around the globe, citrus fruits, grown on flowering citrus trees and shrubs, such as oranges, pomelos, grapefruit, kumquats, lemons, and limes, are among the most popular fruits because of their tangy flavor and potent nutrient lineup. Originating in Southeast Asia in 4,000 BC, citrus fruits, a part of the rue family, soon conquered the world, as they became cultivated and incorporated into the food culture in many countries. The American Southern tradition of lemonade, along with Scottish marmalades, and North Africa’s preserved lemons are a few examples of the way people have used their prized citrus. Living in Ojai, California, I am surrounded by citrus, and have 20 varieties of trees growing in my garden, from well known Valencia oranges to more unusual types, like Pink Lemonade Lemons, Pixie Tangerines, Cara Cara Oranges, and Oro Blanco Grapefruit. I use citrus in my kitchen every day, for flavor and health.

In my orchard surrounded by my Ojai Pixie tangerines.

Powerful Citrus Nutrition

Citrus fruits are most famous for their high vitamin C content—just one large orange provides 163% DV (Percent Daily Value, based on 2,000 calories per day.) Vitamin C is important for many body functions, including maintaining bones, teeth, muscles, skin, ligaments and blood vessels; acting as an antioxidant to fight damaging free radicals that can lead to disease, healing wounds, and promoting a healthy immune function. In fact, 16th century seamen figured out that if they stocked their ships with citrus fruit, they could avoid scurvy—a condition marked by lethargy and spongy gums due to vitamin C deficiency—that occurred during long periods at sea.

But vitamin C isn’t the only nutrient you’ll garner from citrus; the fruits are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, like potassium, folate, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid, as well as fibers like pectin and lignin, which are linked with heart protection. In addition, more than 170 different phytochemicals have been identified in citrus fruits, including monoterpenes, limonoids, flavonoids, and carotenoids, which have documented antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and anti-cancer effects.

Picking lemons from my Pink Lemonade lemon tree in my orchard in Ojai.

Citrus Health Bonus

Eating citrus has been linked with protection from heart disease, stroke, arthritis, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive decline, multiple sclerosis, age-related eye disease, ulcerative colitis, and diabetes, according to a review of the science on citrus fruits and health performed by Australia’s research organization, The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research. High citrus fruit intake also is linked with a 40 to 50 percent reduction in the risk of several cancers, such as esophageal, larynx, mouth, and stomach. The benefits of citrus fruit don’t stop there.  These zesty fruits contain high amounts of fiber, such as pectin and lignin as mentioned above, that support gut health. The fiber in citrus fruit serves as a prebiotic, a substance that is food for gut microorganisms, which can protect you against intestine conditions such as hemorrhoids, acid reflux, and diverticulitis. Also, citrus fruit is low in calories, but packed with nutrients, which makes this fruit a great choice if you are wanting your calories or are trying to lose weight. Lastly, citrus fruit has been shown to increases levels of citrate, a mineral that can deposit in the kidney and cause kidney stones, in the urine. Having more and more citrate acid being excreted in the urine over the long term can help you reduce your risk of developing kidney stones. It looks like you just got another (or multiple) reason to start your day out right with citrus.

Kumquats at the farmers market.

Citrus Fruits List

There are many types of citrus, which is a genus of flowering shrubs and trees in the rue family Rutaceae, and within each type of citrus fruit there are countless varieties. 

Here is a list of citrus fruits: 

  • Citron
  • Grapefruit 
  • Kumquats
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Oranges (mandarins, sweet, sumo, moro, or blood)
  • Pomelos
  • Sudachi 
  • Tangelos
  • Yuzo

5 Tips on How to Use Citrus Fruit + Citrus Recipes 

With all of the amazing health benefits citrus fruit has to offer you, why not try to incorporate these fruits into your diet more often? Check out my five tips for boosting your citrus fruit intake and my favorite citrus recipes. 

Mint Water with Lime and Lemon

1. Make Citrus Infused Water

Drinking water can get a little boring, but getting enough water is so important, plus it is your preferred beverage for hydration. One way to spice up your water routine is by adding slices of citrus fruit, such as oranges, limes, grapefruit, and lemons. This simple addition adds flavor, visual pleasure, and nutrition benefits, too. Start with my recipe for Mint Water with Lime and Lemon.

Power Up on Citrus Fruits for Health
Vegan Dark Chocolate Orange Waffles are the perfect breakfast for a lazy Sunday.

2. Add Citrus to Zest up Your Breakfast

Instead of feasting on a traditional Western-style, highly processed, added sugar-filled breakfast, why not try to include more whole plant foods, like whole grains and citrus fruit for breakfast? Try adding citrus fruit to a variety of traditional whole grain breakfast dishes, like granola, waffles, toast, oatmeal porridge, or pancakes to reap citrus’s benefits.

Sunshine Whole Wheat Orange Rolls not only serve you your daily citrus, but whole grains too.

3. 3. Whip up a Citrus Filled Baked Treat

Add some citrus juice or zest to baked goods and desserts as another great way to max out your citrus intake. Plus, citrus juice and zest gives baked items a delicious tangy taste and nutrition bonus. Try orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit in breads, muffins, pancakes, waffles, cookies, bars, cakes, and rolls.

Pea Tendril Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette is the perfect light accompaniment for your meal.

4. Drizzle Citrus Juice On Salads

Skip the bottled salad dressing and sauces on the market, which can be filled with added sugars and refined ingredients, and make your own healthy lemon salad dressing at home with a splash of citrus juice and EVOO. You can feature your light dressing as a healthy ingredient to top all of your salads, including veggie, leafy, grain, and pasta salads.

Add citrus, such as grapefruits, oranges, and mandarins to your favorite smoothie recipes. Try this recipe for Pomegranate Mandarin Smoothie for inspiration.

5. Blend Citrus Fruit into a Smoothie

A smoothie is a great option if you are on the go and need an easy, nutrient-packed meal or snack. The beauty of a smoothie is that you can fill it with a variety of whole fruits and vegetables, even citrus fruit, such as oranges, mandarins, and grapefruit. Citrus fruit will give your smoothie a nice zing and provide plenty of nutrients as a side benefit. Just toss a whole peeled fruit into your blender!

More Citrus Recipes

For more healthy recipes using citrus fruits, check out some of my favorites:

Image: Blood oranges, Sharon Palmer, MSFS, RDN


Link, R.  (2020).  Top 17 Citrus Fruits and Their Health Benefits.  Dr. Axe.