Are you wondering, “When will I get my Social Security benefits in May?” All the answers you need about the May 2024 Social Security payment schedule are here.
People that are receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration need to know and understand the Social Security 2024 payment schedule so that they will know when they can expect their benefits to arrive.
Once you know when your benefit money will hit your bank account you can budget (i.e., make a financial plan for) your money for the month, plan out when you have to pay the bills, and ensure that you have enough groceries and necessities to get through the month.

Every month there are some small changes to the Social Security payment schedule. That’s because of the variables like the type (or kind) of benefits received, the beneficiary’s birth date, and the number of household members receiving benefits. All of those variables can determine the timing of Social Security disbursements. Additionally, holidays—among other possible disruptions and delays—may affect the arrival date of your Social Security disability benefits.
If you are getting SSI benefits, your SSI payment for May 2024 should arrive by mail or by direct deposit on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024. For anyone who receives their benefits via direct deposit or a Direct Express® card, they should see their May 2024 benefit money in their account (or on their card) on May 1st, 2024. The SSA strongly recommends having a Direct Express® card or setting up a direct deposit so that you can access your benefits immediately when they are deposited.
SSI is unique because it doesn’t follow the typical Social Security Administration benefit payment schedule. Most people that get SSI will be given their monthly benefit check on the 1st of the month—no matter what day that is—as long as it’s a business day. However, if the first of the month happens to fall on Saturday or Sunday, people who are getting SSI will be given their benefits on Friday.
For most people who receive Social Security benefits, the payment schedule varies depending on the birth date of the recipient.
The May 2024 Social Security payment schedule is:
- If the date that you were born falls between the 1st and 10th, you will be given your benefit payment from the SSA on Wednesday, May 8th (the second Wednesday of the month).
- If the date that you were born falls between the 11th and the 20th, you will be given your benefit payment from the SSA on Wednesday, May 15th (the third Wednesday of the month).
- If the date that you were born falls between the 21st and the 31st, you will be given your benefit payment from the SSA on Wednesday, May 29th (the fourth Wednesday of the month).
If you are receiving survivor’s benefits, it is crucial for you to remember that the date your benefit money will arrive each month is dependent on the primary recipient’s date of birth.

People that are concerned about their SSI payment for May 2024 shouldn’t worry. SSI payments for May 2024 will be deposited on May 1st. Here are the Social Security payment dates for May 2024:
May 1st: You will be given your May 2024 Social Security payment on Monday, May 1st if you are getting SSI (Supplemental Security Income) benefits from the SSA.
May 3rd: If you meet one of the following criteria, you’ll be given your May 2024 SSI payment on Friday, May 3rd:
- You live internationally (i.e., outside of the U.S.)
- You receive both Social Security benefits and SSI.
- Your Medicare premiums are paid for by your state.
- You filed for Social Security benefits in advance of 1997.
People that receive Social Security retiree benefits, Social Security disability benefits, survivor’s benefits, or any other type of Social Security benefit that isn’t SSI will be given their May 2024 Social Security benefit checks on these dates:
May 8th: If the date that you were born is between the 1st of the month and 10th of the month, you will be given your May 2024 Social Security payment on Wednesday, May 8th (the second Wednesday in May).
May 15th: If the date that you were born is between the 11th and the 20th, you will be given your May 2024 Social Security payment on Wednesday, May 15th (the third Wednesday in May).
May 22th: If the date that you were born is on or after the 21st of the month, you will be given your May 2024 Social Security payment on Wednesday, May 22nd (the fourth Wednesday in May).
What amount of money will you receive from the Social Security Administration for May, 2024 Social Security benefits? The May, 2024 Social Security payments will be:

If you’re receiving SSDI checks from the Social Security Administration in May 2024, the monthly maximum payment amount that you may receive per month is: $3,822
If you’re receiving SSI checks from the Social Security Administration in May 2024 the monthly maximum SSI payment that you may receive is:
- An individual’s benefit amount: $943
- A couple’s benefit amount: $1,415
- An essential person’s benefit amount: $472
Retirement Benefits
If you’re receiving retirement benefit checks from the Social Security Administration in May 2024, the monthly maximum payment amount that you may receive is:
- Benefit amount for people who retired at full retirement age: $3,822
- Benefit amount for people who retired at age 62: $2,710
- Benefit amount for people who retired at age 70: $4,873
Survivor Benefits
If you’re receiving survivor benefit checks from the Social Security Administration in May 2024 the monthly maximum payment that you may receive is:
- Individual survivor with no children: $1,773
- Survivor who has two children: $3,653
Your actual benefit amount may vary. These are estimates based on national average Social Security benefit payment amounts. These payments include the 3.2% 2024 COLA increase that went into effect starting January 1, 2024.
To figure out exactly what your unique Social Security benefit payment amount is, you can use our quick (and super easy-to-use) Social Security benefits calculator.
The May 2024 Social Security benefit payment schedule shouldn’t be interrupted by any major holidays or postal slowdowns, except for Memorial Day. Memorial Day falls on Monday, May 27th. If you are receiving a paper benefit check from the Social Security Administration you may experience a late payment because the post office will be closed on Monday, May 27th.
Weekends may also cause postal slowdowns, but that shouldn’t impact the arrival of your Social Security benefit check.
The only major holidays in May are Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 12 and Memorial Day on May 27th. Social Security payments for May (encompassing SSI payments as well), should be received according to the schedule in May (as outlined above in this article). Furthermore, Social Security benefit payments in May 2024 shouldn’t be affected by Mother’s Day, since Mother’s Day falls on a Sunday which is a weekend.
If you live internationally (i.e., outside of the United States), if you filed for your Social Security benefits prior to 1997, or if you get both Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and Social Security benefits, you ought to be getting your May 2024 Social Security benefit checks as normal.
No one likes waiting to get their Social Security benefit check. By the time those benefits hit your account you probably need them to fill the pantry and cover bills. Signing up to receive electronic deposit of your benefits is a great way to get access to your benefits faster.
You can sign up to have your monthly Social Security benefits deposited electronically into any checking account or savings account at a bank or a credit union. Your bank or credit union may hold the deposit for a day or two though, so check with your bank or credit union to see what their policies for direct deposits are.
If you want to be able to access your money immediately, you can register and opt-in for the SSA’s Direct Express® card. There’s no fee to have this card. The SSA will electronically load your benefit money onto the card on the date that you are supposed to receive benefits. As soon as the benefits are active on the card, you’ll be able to use it. It works like any other debit card or credit card. You can use it to pay bills, buy things, or get cash from an ATM.
To register and opt-in for either the Direct Express® card or direct deposit of your Social Security benefits, go to the SSA’s website, login to your “my Social Security” account, and adhere to the prompts.
To find out exactly when you can expect to be given your Social Security benefit, go into your online account on the Social Security Administration’s website. Under the My Account tab you can see the exact date that your benefits will be deposited, where they will be deposited, and how much money you will be given for your Social Security benefit.
You should check your payment date so that you will be able to plan ahead. If you know exactly when your money will be in your account you can set up auto-pay for bills, plan your grocery shopping, and make other budgeting decisions.
Waiting to get your Social Security benefits can feel like a very long time, especially if you are in a financial bind because you can’t work. But if your application has yet to be approved, you could be waiting months for your Social Security benefit payments to start.
Once your application for Social Security benefits has been approved though your payments will start quickly. There is a 5-month waiting period before one can begin getting Social Security benefit payments after approval. But, if you have been waiting for six months or longer to get approved, that time counts towards the waiting period. In other words, you would start getting your Social Security benefit payments the next month that comes after your claim being approved. You will also receive back pay within 60 days of your approval.
Back pay is the amount of benefits that have accrued while you were waiting for approval. Once your application is approved you will be given a lump sum of money that contains all the benefits you should have received from the date that you filed your application. That lump sum is strictly paid electronically, so you must have a direct deposit set up or have a Direct Express® card to get your lump sum of back pay.
May 2024 Social Security benefits should arrive on time. This is true despite the fact that there are two major holidays happening in May 2024 because neither of those holidays should impact when you receive your Social Security payments. If you are receiving electronic deposits, there is no reason why your benefit payments should arrive late. But, if you need to be sure that your Social Security benefit payment for May is on track to arrive on time, you can definitely visit the SSA’s website and login to your account to check.
Worried about receiving your Social Security benefit payments as soon as possible? If so, it would be wise for you to either get a Direct Express® card or sign up for direct deposit of benefits from the SSA. This is because those methods are the two fastest ways to get your 2024 Social Security benefit money.
Keep checking this website for updates about the Social Security 2024 payment schedule so that you’ll know— without fail—the exact date that your Social Security check will arrive every month. If you are sure that your benefit payment will hit your account, it will make it easier for you to budget your money. And making sure that your mortgage or rent, car payment, utilities, and other bills get paid on time is important.
Anyone whose initial Social Security benefits claim was denied should speak with a Social Security attorney for help with their claim. If you’re getting ready to apply for Social Security benefits you should also speak with a Social Security attorney who can help you with your application.
Getting the application checked by a licensed disability lawyer who’s a working professional in this field can increase the chances that your application will be approved. If your initial claim was denied a Social Security attorney can help you revise your application to increase the chance that it will get approved upon appeal.
To receive personalized advice and help regarding a Social Security disability application or claim, or to have your questions about Social Security benefits answered, fill out the Free Case Evaluation form on this page now. By doing so, you will be connected with a disability lawyer or disability advocate who can help you today—all at zero out-of-pocket cost to you. That’s right, you do not have to pay anything upfront to talk to a Social Security attorney because they don’t get paid until you get the benefits you deserve. Plus, once they do get paid, the SSA is responsible for paying them—not you.